Death by Proxy and Unintentional kills in the whole trilogy (spoilers blurred)

Hector isn’t a target though, we’re only looking at target deaths

Pretty that his “suicide” is just a glitch. I wouldn’t count that as one tbh.

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Oh okay my bad


I’m pretty sure when I push Dahlia over the balcony she purposefully aims herself at Viktor.
I’m also pretty sure I heard her scream "Die Viktor as she did so. Think that should count :wink:


I was able to do it suit only by triggering the family meeting.

It’s clearly an Easter egg.

What?! I never knew this.

For this one, it’s the target himself who grabs his plate. That’s why it’s not included in this list.

For the sake of conversation, Whittleton double kill by Gunther Mueller (Kind of)


How do you trigger the family meeting? By changing the start ? By ringing the bell?

But no one in Haven delivers the food either, it’s just on the table.

Isn’t his name Jorge Franco?


If we’re including suicide we need to put the Hawke’s Bay suicide.

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Arranging the photo does it.


The biker in Berlin takes poisoned food to agent Lowenthal from the delivery bike, so that’s another one for that list. Edit: And for that matter the hippy in Santa Fortuna can take poisoned cocaine to Jorge. Both can be done suit only.

Edit 2: Another thing worth mentioning is that while the kill is by 47’s hand, you can use the DNA virus constructed by Silvio for the specific purpose of killing Francesca to kill her. I’d say that’s partly a proxy kill.

The hippie can’t take the cocaine to Jorge.

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Oh oops, my mistake, I got confused because I remember thinking you should be able to let him do it.

Speaking of Santa Fortuna: Would Rico getting mauled by his pet hippo also count as proxy kill? Sure 47 pushes him inside but if the hippo hadn’t done anything Rico would be wet and angry instead of death.

Not to mention that you can knock out both Andrea and Jorge and drop them into the hippo pen as well. It’s even part of a challenge.

And to open another cane of worms: There are piranhas inside the river and there’s the love letter opportunity…

I agree, but if you get rid of the cooker, Ljudmila will never come and taste her food. The cooker is required to phone her. Long time ago, if I remember well, I did a playthrough when I poison the food but I subdue also the two cookers; Ljudmila never comes taste her food. I need to let the cooker untouched to trigger this action.
Maybe I’m wrong, can someone can confirm or infirm this statement?

For the Dubai kill, no NPC is required. You can just poison the food and ring the bell. Ingram will take his food even if you remove the chief from the equation. That’s why I don’t include it in the list.


I understand your point of view, but I won’t include any kill done by an animal.


easy mistake. ‘die’ is german for ‘the’, you see. i think she was just shocked to see him.
