DLC packs that unlock challenges instead of items

I just had this idea which I quite like but I wanna know what you guys think of it too.

The idea is that all these cosmetic DLC packs, like the celebrity ET packs, shouldn’t immediately give you the items in the pack, but instead should add 4 challenges, each one giving one of the items as an unlock.

It’s not a very big change, but it would add some more gameplay and perceived value to the DLC which would, for me at least, make it feel less like dropping £5 on useless reskins and more like getting actual new content


The celebrity ET packs are already giving content in that they permanently unlock the Arcade version of the ET.

i like it a lot … challenges are what make the game fun …

I’m not sure about locking all of the content behind challenges because some people just want to use their new stuff and don’t care about completing challenges at all.

I would however like some challenges to accompany the content because as you say it adds more perceived value and I like to do them. Make them related to using the specific items so you also have a reason to use the not-so-great items at least once.

Perhaps there could be one item or suit locked behind a challenge group that comes with the DLC, like the Codename 47 one, so that you can use your new gear to work towards completing that.