I think that leaving only the main mission for Ambrose Island makes the location a little too poor of content.
Will it maybe have a new escalation or contract?
Or, even better, bonus missions
A few things do bug me about it…
First off, I believe (correct me if I’m wrong) 47’s lines were all recycled from other parts of the game. If you bring the voice actor back for new Elusive Targets, couldn’t you also get him to record actual new lines for Ambrose (and maybe those few Easter eggs that also use recycled lines?) while you’re at it?
Then (and that’s not necessarily limied to Ambrose), I’m not sure why some Story Missions / Opportunities are actually shown as such, showing up in the menu screens, displaying objectives and so on, whereas others are “unlisted”… I’d like more consistency (although I imagine that would probably require additional voice work there again?).
(Oh, and while I imagine it’s quite possible nobody on planet Earth is bothered by this other than me, I’m not super fond of the briefing video quoting some stuff that hasn’t been said already at that point in the story (I’m specifically thinking of “it’s a dangerous thing, having a conscience”, but that’s off the top of my head, there might be more, it’s been a while). It was already weird to me when Ambrose was introduced, and it feels even weirder now that the menu has been rearranged to put the mission where it’s supposed to take place in the overall timeline.)
I agree, putting a new mission literally in the middle of the storyline is always difficult.
I like the fact that the mission is guided by Lucas Grey (I was getting tired of Diana).
About the story missions, i think that the only problem is they are implicit (i like when they are also guided because its difficult to understand what do to), like the slaps contest one (that is kinda cool).
The introduction was strange, the voice lines gave me no emotions.
I feel like that they rushed Ambrose Island just because the community wanted more maps.
I think this map was made in development of Hitman 2 and cutted from game due financial problems. Devs probably didn’t have time to finish and polish this location so made a decision to remove from game.
Why I think so? Story line with Lucas Gray, Hindi voices which was part of Hitman 2 content. This map looks like done in H2 development more that fit to style of H3.
They bring back in Hitman 3 as a free content. This location doesn’t look rushed, it’s quite polished. I was quite surprised when they released is as free location. It’s well made.
It could be a possibility, not to exclude.
It’s not one of my favourite maps, so I wouldn’t be overly keen if Ambrose didn’t get anymore content, but I know there is a load of people on here that have been asking for a Escalation contract, so I support this!
I’d like at least one Escalation for this map at the very least. So it’s on the level of HAVEN and The Bank which also have one Escalation each iirc. A Celebrity ET set in this map would be cool too.
I personally would like for Ambrose Island to get at least one Elusive Target mission (and by extension, an ET Arcade mission) and an Escalation. Anything else would be a bonus.