Easter Featured Contract Batch - Year 3

0:00-0:21 Hunting for The Sunshine Bunny (0:40) SSA/SO Featured Contract by Fenixsandr @Fenixsandr
1:50-2:10 The Best Cosmetics (1:26) SA Featured Contract by A-CHAOS @Kakarot
4:29-4:49 Give Me That Old Time Religion (3:55) SA Featured Contract by teddyfilmore @teddyfilmore
9:31-9:51 The Last Supper (2:53) SA/PO Featured Contract by Lindolfo @Lindolfo
13:27-13:47 Golden Bunny’s Boomstick (3:43) SA Featured Contract by Phylocode @Phylocode
18:17-18:39 The Tinamou Retribution (3:54) SA/SO Featured Contract by Tetrafish_21 @Tetrafish_21
23:35-24:00 Eggcellent Movie (2:40) SA/SO Featured Contract by Mich_TRC @Mich_TRC
27:32-27:52 The Egg Scramblers (2:34) SA Featured Contract by Switcher @Switcher
31:11-31:33 Who Framed Rolf Rabbit (3:51) SA Featured Contract by DavidG185 @DavidG185
36:05-36:27 Wabbit Hunting Season (1:33) SA Featured Contract by The Elite Institute @The_Elite_Institute


Well done! Didn’t know the last supper could end so fast.

Just now I realized my contract was submited with the default briefing lmao. I was having conection issues when I was making the contract and it keep returning to default I thought they would add the briefing I send in the submission thread :laughing:


I did noticed that. @Fenixsandr’s featured contract briefing looked like it was default until the Sunshine Bunny God part. Not gonna lie, I chuckled really hard seeing that. :joy:
Congrats on getting featured too. I got featured too as well. It’s actually my second contract to get featured. Definitely a lot better than The Night The Duck Cried. If I had to guess why I got picked, it’s the briefing and the choice of targets.


Bro that was a really good run of mine, enjoyed to watch it, and hope you liked it


Bro, the contract was created spontaneously. When the contract was created, I didn’t know what to call it. I noticed that both targets were wearing sunglasses. I thought it was the sunlight that killed them. In my language, “sunlight” literally translates as “sun bunny”. So sunbunny bunny killed the targets even though they were wearing sunglasses.


Thank you. That was a great run! Nice move putting the breaching charge on the toilet. Don’t think I’ve seen that before. Thanks for sharing!

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What a wild run! I was getting nervous just watching. Thank you for sharing!


Well, these took me most of a day to complete (as best I could) but these are a really good set of contracts. I’m traditionally bad at any contract that requires non-obvious tricks and I’m definitely too slow and methodical to ever get a great score so I usually aim to come in the top half of finishers. I haven’t looked at anyone else’s runs yet, but here’s my results and thoughts:

Hunting for the Sunshine Bunny - 5* SA/SO 03:34 - 181,450pts - 46/117

The patrolling security guards always seem to ruin my attempts to go fast, so slow and steady it is. A pretty simple contract to complete, nice way to start off the day - guess the fun is how fast you can do it.

The best cosmetics - 4* 10:26 - 148,103pts - 45/90

First three targets were easy (Agatha, Gaspar, Chapin) - although the number of times Agatha spotted me got on my nerves. Not sure if I broke Yseult’s AI or what but he just stood there in most of my runs, and even emetic poison only made him go to the toilet that’s occupied already. Eventually gave up and blew him up and ran for the exit.

Give me that old time religion - 3* 28:19 - 117,780pts - 27/77

I never have any luck with explosives and keeping SA, even in this instance where the bodies definitely ended up hidden etc - I must be missing a trick. I also hate falling object kills so I dragged the chap upstairs to the lounge and dropped a chandelier on him. Job done, not 47’s best work. Went shopping halfway through this one.

The Last Supper - 4* 18:52 - 84,731pts - 41/96

I can’t for the life of me work out why this wasn’t right, but apparently the Last Ducky suit didn’t count as a Suit for the second target? Pretty fun chain of targets though, I enjoyed taking one outfit to help isolate the next target and learned that as long as you’re wearing the right outfit when they die it doesn’t matter what you wore when you poisoned them. Keeping a server outfit around made life a lot easier!

Golden Bunny's Boomstick - 5* SA 28:41 - 156,959pts - 41/107

Definitely far slower than necessary, and knocked out far more guards than needed, but this was a lot of fun, the route was fairly obvious and all the time I’ve spent in Freelancer on this map really paid off.

The Tinamou Retribution - 3* 32:59 - 63,365pts - 59/98

I just wrote “Meh” in my notes for this one, so I guess I didn’t enjoy it? Oh I remember, the chef just stood at the fire pit and I just blew him up. This one didn’t really speak to me I guess. Took advantage of the above mentioned suit-you-wear-at-time-of-death to kill Yates via proxy.

Eggcellent Movie - 1* 18:53 - 21,183pts - 84/140

I hate The Icon as a map, it always makes me feel claustrophobic. I much prefer Sapienza during the day, and not being able to change disguise is just cruel with how little space there is to move around. The two explosive kills are easy, the Bosco one somehow got me identified by half the map and with only one exit I had to switch disguise to get away. Glad it’s done, would never replay.

The Egg Scramblers - 5* SA 16:19 - 159.706pts - 42/166

Really enjoyed this one (after restarting after I remembered that throwing melee items doesn’t count as a melee kill…). Again very slow, but the targets were well chosen and luring them into places to murder them was fun and relatively easy, once you were in the right place.

Who Framed Rolf Rabbit? - 5* SA 19:41 - 158,956 pts - 54/177

Embarrassing amount of backtracking and trying to find a fire axe for this one, but eventually got a decent run. Florida Man’s route always confuses me on this map, sometimes he drinks? sometimes he goes in the bar storage area? He didn’t seem to do either for me this time. Anyway, just emeticed him on the big staircase and killed him in the same place as the drug dealer. Nice end to the route with Rolf and the delivery guy.

Wabbit Hunting Season - 5* SA 13:27 - 161,536pts - 109/420

I enjoy a good shotgun level. This was one of them. Targets are nicely close together, easy to isolate and put away in boxes. Nice way to finish the list.

Overall, a good set - a couple in the middle I didn’t enjoy and/or clearly missed the trick that would make them fun, but otherwise had a blast playing these. Now to watch all your runs and have my mind blown!


Brilliant play! I love the use of the Snail item, killing a target during their sedation animation to preserve SA, and the Kalmer supply drop.


“nice way to start off the day” That’s a good phrase. Thanks for the comment, bro.

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Thank you! I’m glad the first time I had a contract showcased left a positive impression.

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The original that I tried to submit last year involved that trick where you lock-on with a throwable melee item, then go to your inventory, switch to an item like a coin, duck, or (in this case) the Red Tie Kiwi distraction item, then hold the lock-on and throw buttons to throw the (normally) non-lethal item lethally. And that was the required item/method to kill 4 of the targets.

But that wasn’t about to be accepted for a FC. :sob:

In this version I made it any method… And the Asado chef was thrown in (I guess) to balance out how different the 2 versions were. I did want the player to hide all bodies (mandatory), but that’s very difficult for the chef. :confused: Now the targets can be killed and left where they are as long as they’re not found. :face_exhaling: :man_facepalming:

And my intention was that (let’s take Aron Ford, for instance) you wouldn’t be able to kill him by the spawn point… You’d have to wait for him to get to the villa, distract the guard inside the room, then kill and hide his body in there.

But anyway. I didn’t like the Asado chef that much either, but I couldn’t decide on who else to make a target.

Edit: I do know that it’s not a good idea to just toss a PT by him and forget it. You might be able to kill him later when another NPC does… Something to make the PT explode. But when making the contract I ended up killing Diana and got an instant Game Over. :joy:

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Thank you @Lindolfo. I enjoy playing, it was quite the RNG Challenge. Sure the briefing didn’t go as planned but all that matters is that you got your contract featured and that’s what matters.:muscle:

Thank you @Switcher. It was quite useful distraction, use a bit of peekaboo to it, Also With bullet Distraction. By the way, I do enjoy it.:+1:t2:

It is indeed a wild run @teddyfilmore. Everything worked out in the end and You’re welcome😁

Thank you @Phylocode. The snail really helped out In big situation like this, I used the tranq/glitch Just to keep the Green gun alive. It’s a good thing that I kept Kalmar in the smuggle item just in case for such an occasion. Thank you for creating a contract that is modded

Everybody else congratulations on getting your contract featured​:+1:t2::muscle::tada::partying_face:


Giving us 10 contracts instead of the usual 6-7 was a pretty nice gift and I hope this is going to become a trend from now on :slight_smile:

Anyway here’s what I thought about them in a bit more detail.

Hunting for the Sunshine Bunny: It was a bit short, not much you can do with two targets in the same area, but it was still enjoyable and was a good warm-up for the rest of the batch. 3/5

The best cosmetics: Really nice thumbnail. The stylist start is kinda underused and I liked that this contract was based around it. Not particularly hard or complicated but sometimes a simple contract is a good change of pace. 3/5

Give me that old time religion: I’m also part of the “falling object kills eww” club and I particularly hate the stalactites so I just bonked the scientist and dropped a chandelier on him as well. At least it was an option, so in the end it turned out to be a pretty fun contract. And I’m always up for blowing up a member of the infamous cap gang into the sea. 4/5

The Last Supper: A decent puzzle that had me restart a few times to figure out the back-and-forth between the server and whatever you needed to wear to poison the targets. Not a fan of the required ducky suit though - I consider this one not being a “suit” a glitch (that might be fixed at some point) and would have preferred a gardener or construction worker start. 3/5

Golden Bunny’s Boomstick: It’s probably something I’ve already seen a few times, but it was fitting for the theme nonetheless and I like contracts focusing on noise management. 3/5

The Tinamou Retribution: I found this one to be pretty tedious :confused: Mendoza, 5 targets, includes a mission target - pick one please :x It would probably have been more fun without Yates as he just added a large detour for no good reason. 2/5

Eggcellent Movie: Another one I disliked. I guess the plan was to snipe Bosco in his trailer and steal the car keys along the way? That takes far too long, I just blew up some C4 to send him in lockdown and sickened - bonked - point-blank-sniped him there. Also “headshots only” is a bad complication for anything but pure sniper contracts and here it was particularly annoying. 2/5

The Egg Scramblers: Now this was a really good one! Infiltrating the caves as a cook was not something I would have thought of doing normally, it sure was original and it turned out to be pretty fun. My favorite among the selection. 5/5

Who Framed Rolf Rabbit?: I felt like I already played through something similar a few times, although it was still enjoyable. Initially I thought of talking to the dealer to stab him in the back of the staircase, but that idiot backtracked as he was headed there to talk to some random girl so I just sickened him, which is probably what I should have done from the start :x 3/5

Wabbit Hunting Season: Always nice to put the good old Enram to some use. I had to snail a couple of guys around Parvati as the only good place I found to isolate her was that shack near the dinobike exit but aside from that it was smooth sailing. I like contracts that focus on a small area like this. 3/5

All in all a good selection. Once again, getting 10 contracts meant there was a higher probability of getting more good contracts, so please make all future FC selections a choice of 10 :slight_smile:

(Use breaching charges, when you place them close enough to the targets they can kill and are mostly silent :slight_smile: )


Happy to hear the very kind words


Congrats to those featured. Starting to come back to the game after a little break, and the FCs are a nice way to work on the muscle memory as I start Freelancers.

Now to catch up on threads on the HMF.


The one I waited for, GenPs run of my contract