Elusive Target #17: THE BROKER (Year 4: 23 February - 4 March 2024)

I can’t imagine so. A crash would be the same as Alt-F4’ing to restart after you’ve started completing objectives.


Yeah I agree that.
And…I remember that Hakan promised 12-months new contents in 2022, so from Feb to Dec we have 11 months. And apparently, from Paris to Sagel we have 11 locations with ET (no ET in Mumbai). So… is the Undying coming back? :star_struck:

Most likely not.

“Sean Bean is likely to stay in HITMAN 2, but we will find a way to free up the Miami ET suit.” - Travis. Link!


:frowning_face: so what would happen when the month for Miami comes, skip to the Revolutionary?
I know it’s an issue of copyright for Sean Bean, but can’t we just change the face and name (and voice, if Sean did the cast job) to make it legal…
and what about the two unique items of the undying? Are they unavailable forever? The pen is useless, but the flash bot can do some help

“THAT is Dr. Lafayette… uh… I mean Howard Moxon.”


Don’t count on The Revolutionary coming out anytime soon. Will more likely be an ET not currently in the arcade. And when The Revolutionary is set to be released, the ET arcade including that mission should be temporarily disabled.

It might be like the Iconoclast who was available for 12 days since it was released on a Wednesday (maybe I don’t remember), so maybe the Broker may be available for 11 days.


Travis said that Undying will likely stay in H2, but he’s trying to find a way for the Florida Fit and the 2 items you got for completing Undying to be obtainable without completing the ET.

Other than some extremely special/unique exceptions, we try to stick to these baseline rules for ET’s:

  • Start on a Friday
  • 10 days duration (allows 2 weekends and ends on a Monday)

The reason for the countdown appearing on a Thursday is because we typically do all other live content drops (Featured Contracts, Free locations, Arcade contracts, etc) on Thursdays. We basically ‘bundled’ the two releases (free locations and ET countdown) into one, which is more efficient for us.


thanks Travis good luck on the new 007 project with the team


I’m sure it’s turning up some angry memories. For those caught out by this, it’s time to get your revenge!

I don’t know why I never did a dialogue video for this one. I started doing the videos in December 2016 with #15 The Angel of Death. Because he was #8 originally (August 2016), I missed him. But since The Angel of Death, I did every ET with a couple of exceptions, like The Chameleon, because there was practically no dialogue and no interesting routes. Does anyone who was around in the golden days of Hitman 2016 know why I missed this one when it was reactivated in 2018?


No idea but has some peculiar things to say. Still, don’t expect too much. His route is quite entertaining too.


Huh, I remember seeing a french flag pin on his coat, but it doesn’t seem to be there in the briefing or the photo.

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Wait for real! I’ve just seen this I didn’t think they were reactivating the older ones in normal gameplay I can’t wait

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yep we are back at the free locations starter pack and the et as a bonus

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I won’t be surprised if Xbox, PC, and Stadia players go through an extended hiatus of no Elusive Targets while PlayStation players get to play Sarajevo Six.

Wh… what?

The Sarajevo contracts are exclusive to PS4 and (unfortunately) will be only exclusive to PS4.
They’re a seperate mode from the ET’s, and i doubt if they were to return officially in Hitman 3, they wpuldnt be used as ETs.

Doesn’t make sense to me why you’d think S6 contracts would invalidate ETs, or take up resources to re-run ETs on the other consoles.


I need to find another way to eliminate him than by electrocution, I’ve already done that enough times, and it gets boring. No idea what to do, tho.


Let him bathe in a Seine maybe


Use the Ivory White to kill him somehow?

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