Elusive Target #31: THE PHARMACIST (Year 4: December 20 2024 - January 12 2025)

It has been a while since we had a new legacy Elusive Target topic.
Three of them at once! It is good to see. Another long time community wish realised.
Don’t forget that they will all run at the same time.

As usual the topic is to post runs, discuss strategies, the target, and anything else related!

The Pharmacist

Link to the video Briefing.

"Nila Torvik is brilliant, simply put. The product of a rich and egalitarian society, she has completely achieved her massive potential. She is utterly cynical, obsessed with the effects of pharmaceuticals on humans.

She graduated from the Royal Institute of Technology, and specialized in Psychopharmaceuticals and Psychotropics, founding Torvik Research as a result of that.

Her company, Torvik Research, has been recognized as a Scandinavian tiger, breaking records for patents filed and year-on-year growth. Torvik herself gives no interviews and leads a highly ascetic lifestyle.

Rumors of proxy-testing in the third world have been investigated and debunked by the media and government watchdogs, but it seems entirely in her character that the ambitious and ruthless pharmacist is more than willing to cut ethical corners to achieve her goals."

The last run of the Pharmacist was in Hitman 2016, in October 2018. Six years ago.
You can practice the ET in The Cliches Arcade (mandatory Restricted Loadout), and The Baneful Arcade (optional complication of Lethal Poison Only).


I had some trouble with this one, my notes from doing this in the arcade said that dropping the chandelier on her when she sits in the chair would work, but this time around it seemed to always miss her. Instead I wound up shooting the winch as she crossed to go look outside.

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I took an oil canister and breacher, ran to the other gate, and blew her up as soon as she stepped foot in the grounds. SASO in ~15 seconds.

I’m finally gonna get my chance when I play this one later. The two Arcade contracts she appears in have a restricted loadout and a requirement for poison, respectively, so I’m glad to get a shot at what I really want to do with this target. Using an emetic, probably the durian, I’m gonna send her to Dalia’s bathroom to puke, and then I’m gonna use the concealable knife to cut her throat.

I will snipe her and I will enjoy sniping her.
My sniper is ready.

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Guys could you wait outside for your turn please?


I think, the chandelier works, when she is standing right behind the desk and looking at her phone.

I as usual chose a complicated way, knocked out her bodyguards one by one, then her and threw her of the balcony.

I wonder if they still come in if they’re not poisoned themselves and just watch her vomit. A few of the older H1 ETs have/had setups like that and were never set to wait outside.

They do, that’s why they’re on the screenshot (they left shortly after). I durian’d the Pharmacist, then used a fart bomb on them while they were watching her like idiots (I could have used a blue egg or snail to make it faster, but it’s way more funny with the emetics).

The Warlord’s guards also act the same way, which is less “funny” and more “really annoying”.


You ain’t exactly helping her either. You should wait for your turn too. :upside_down_face:

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Did a similar thing: Just the Durian in the middle of the targets and the bodyguards.

(recreation on peacock because I forgot to record the original run lol)


Just because I don’t think I’ve ever played this one outside of the Arcade, here’s a simple play in three micro-acts.

(I love a good propane tank. :grin:)


Wait… The EMP gets picked up like it was a coin?!

How did I not know this?


Yeah. :smiley:

Just another reason the EMP is one of the best tools in the game.


I decided to Christmas-ify the mission. Wish IO would theme ETs around the holidays where they already have holiday bricks they could also load with it. It takes barely any effort to do.


Finished all three of these long-absent returners, and with exactly the means I set out to use. Our girl The Pharmacist got her throat cut with the concealed knife, The Warlord got skewered with her own machete, and The Sensation got sick from a smashed durian and drowned in a toilet. Silent Assassin for each, no KOs for The Pharmacist, No KOs and Suit Only for The Sensation. So far, a productive week.


I’m a simple man, I can do a clean sniper kill (sort of) - I do.

Years ago when I was doing these in Peacock I somehow managed to drop the chandelier on the stairs. But now the bodyguard followed her way too close, so didn’t risk it.


The Pharmacist apparently has a connection to Ezra Berg, at least according to the wiki—he’s a client of her company.

But I couldn’t find any game audio of a phone call between them (I know Dalia calls Ezra in the main mission). Does anybody recall any connection between the two? Or is this because Torvik Research is just the name printed on a few of the lethal/emetic pill bottles?

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Dunno if there was any hard connection given in the game, but lore-wise, it makes sense. There’s the suspicion of human testing taking place with Torvik’s company and Ezra is just the kinda guy to carry out such experiments while helping to put distance between his work and Torvik. Maybe Dahlia is how they even know each other. And it would help Ezra keep a steady supply of the chemicals he needs.

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