Elusive Target #33: THE SENSATION (Year 4: December 20 2024 - January 12 2025)

It has been a while since we had a new legacy Elusive Target topic.
Three of them at once! It is good to see. Another long time community wish realised.
Don’t forget that they will all run at the same time.

As usual the topic is to post runs, discuss strategies, the target, and anything else related!

The Sensation

Link to the video Briefing.

"The media sensation Jonathan Smythe has been on the run from the authorities for the last three years. Following a multiple homicide in his late teens, he fled underground where he has built a highly successful music and media career. He actively flaunts his outlaw nature, and uses it to bring new fans to his brand.

He lives in hotels under assumed names, and on yachts in international waters, far beyond the reach of conventional justice. He has been unable to resist the lure of the fashion-event of the year, but will likely only remain in Paris for a few hours."

The last run of the Sensation was in Hitman 2016, in January 2017. Eight years ago.
You can practice the ET in The Malefactor Arcade (optional complication of Targets Only)


Try not to blow yourself up on your own ICA Proximity Explosive, ladies and gents.



Anyone got that clip lurking around in the archives?


I’ll do you one better…


For The Sensation, is there even any viable option besides quickly poisoning his drink?

Also, have IO ever explained why they changed the time of day/lighting for this ET? Did they plan on doing it for multiple ETs but decided it wasn’t worth the trouble? Was there originally going to be a The Icon/AHBOS/Landslide type bonus mission in Paris but they scrapped it and wanted to get some use out of the lighting they did?

If anything, it would be really cool to get time of day changes in future celeb ETs.


I don’t know, the Durian’s out on this one. #worstpunever

Leisurely poisoning his drink while everyone is distracted by the fireworks? :wink:

It has been a while since I’ve done this one in the Arcade, that’s the only method I have written down.

It was one of the first ones, back when they had time and money to do more stuff. Maybe that’s all it was?


I personally prefer to drown this Bieber-wannabe in the toilet.

The Sensation won’t become available at the same time as the The Warlord and The Pharmacist. We gotta wait an extra agonizing fraction of a second for this one. Man this trying my patience…

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I totally forgot, where this one was and searched the whole building for about half an hour.

Not really a good mission. Aside from poisoning him or make him sick, I don’t see any possibilities to eliminate him SA. Thought about the oil canister and burn him, but just way too many people around him all the time.


Finished all three of these long-absent returners, and with exactly the means I set out to use. The Pharmacist got her throat cut with the concealed knife, The Warlord got skewered with her own machete, and our boy The Sensation got sick from a smashed durian and drowned in a toilet. Silent Assassin for each, no KOs for The Pharmacist, No KOs and Suit Only for The Sensation. So far, a productive week.


Easiest out of the 3 by a mile.

Wanted to get this one out of the way so I could get stuck into the featured contracts so opted for a little consumed poison.

All Christmas content now complete!


I remember when practicing him, he went to bin nearby shack where 3 guards chat and where you can hide pickup, but for some reason, he went to toilet. So instead of electrocuting him, I’ve happily drowned him.


I lured him to Dalia’s balcony and sent him fly from it.
Novikov left unharmed this time

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How’d you get him up there? Gun lure?

No other way I know, yes

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Not exactly an original method, but started with no loadout.

Wish there were more opportunities, like to remove some NPCs to make a room for explosions. “Bad music” asset from Payday 2 comes to mind - imagine you could set a shitty tune, so some people would leave the party.


So painful, but so funny.