Elusive Target #8: THE TWIN (2 - 12 July 2021)

And then they got Gary Busey and realized they had better make good use of him. They also really overused Sapienza for ETs. Even in HITMAN 3 we have already seen “three” (The Deceivers used to be separate) in Sapienza. Of course, that had a lot to do with the episodic release of HITMAN.


That’s a good point. I was interested to see when they changed it to 7 days and it seems to be from #10: The Pharmacist; The Twin was originally #6. If anyone is interested, this page has a list of all the ETs so far with their start and end dates:



Took me way longer than I expected, but still, The Bells Rang


The first two locations were way too overused as you said:
Paris: 9 ETs
Sapienza: 6 ETs (excluding The Deceivers)

If the location came out later, it had fewer ETs:
Marrakesh: 4 ETs
Bangkok: 3 ETs
Colorado, Hokkaido: 2 ETs

Here’s my run on The Twin! Going into it I expected more kill opportunities, interesting dialogue, etc. but for some reason this one was really underwhelming. So I just kind of devised a generic drowning kill, but hey managed SASO for the first time on an Elusive. Hopefully we can get more 2016 ETs that aren’t on Sapienza…


Special delivery! I have no idea where his guard and brother went after I managed to lure him here. Well, works for me.


First time doing this ET, followed them all once to see the routine and for the novelty. I was glad to see the pottery shop, the gallery and the winery used. A few false leads and accident opportunities are present. This ET is certainly great for a sniper assassination, I believe the target sits in the cafe his arms crossed to really show his watch for anyone looking at a distance. It would have been interesting to do a blind/always distant/always in a tower for the first run.

My first try was in the art shop (mostly because as far as I know its the only time it is used or even have NPCs). I was witnessed but managed to escape.

So for my main/completionnist profile I used the remote sedative, briefcase and a poison syringe. Not my greatest and proudest. But hey, pride is so last season. Sloth it is and sloth it was.


Am I the only one who initially thought these 2 images were connected from the apron and lamplight? I feel really stupid right now.


I thought he said: " I Believe I Can Fly" :thinking:. Why not, Dylan? :smiling_imp:


Please keep this up just another couple dayw??!?!? I don’t get back to NYC until the night of 7/13 :sob:

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Did I just 33-second SASO speedrun this thing?! Yes. Yes I did!!

Wanted to do something fun or interesting with this target, but couldn’t figure out what. So I tried to see if I could easily speedrun it with a sniper from the harbor. Yup, took me a few tries, but yup.


I don’t recall this happening in any other instance, but lets say I shoot near the target, maybe I’m disguised as a mansion guard. Then when I get down to where they are their guards start shooting at me. I might even take a hit or 2… But I’ve maintained the green guns indicating SA.

Is this normal? Or just another bug with this ET? Like the eternal lockdowns where they stay in one place? They never go to a safe area – maybe one isn’t set and that’s why they get stuck. :confused:


I think you’re talking about a strange behavior performed only by the VIP guards. They become hostile immediately after seeing you holding a weapon, even before the suspicion meter fills up. So technically, you are not spotted.

There was a video of killing Yuki Yamazaki and maintaining SA while exiting and being shot by guards. But I can’t seem to find it here. Maybe it’s on the old forum. :slightly_smiling_face:


When you want to get a kill you haven’t seen everyone else accomplish already so you just say “screw Silent Assassin”

I detonated a propane tank in his face but it took out the two idiot guards. Gonzales lived though so mission accomplished. :roll_eyes:

I will record commentary and upload it tomorrow.


What kind of power is this?


Went the easy route and drowned him.


Me tryna be fancy.


Here was my run. Poison on the dock. :smile:


Sorry if i come late to the party.
I know Sapienza, maybe not by heart but i know it well, So, touring for a while to find a moment to be able to eliminate the ‘good’ twin should have been fun. I took more than an hour with my “training” account to finally shoot him while sitting at the Gelato place. Messy yet i got a good ranking after hiding fast. With the official account, i toured again, i almost shot him next to a garbage disposal under the rocky passage in the little streets (there is an exit door behind), but it was too random. I had to snatch all the coins i could get to distract… anyone of that damn group! So many coins, so many stuff found, screwdriver wrench, poison, brick… and then the happy random accident:
I was at the wine tasting scene. The non-target brother took a sip - i wanted to shoot the other one again, but… everyone left the shop to my surprise, so quick i went inside, messed up with the action button and finally poisoned the glass in front of the shop owner (lol?). Everyone got inside, i went out, Dylan took a sip too, got sick and went in that building. Alone. I know at this point, one bodyguard should have followed as seen in a video after but oh well.
In the end, i got the ranking before silent assassin (i have been ‘noticed’). I’ll get it, i know i’ll get the silent assassin rank next time. To my surprise, i didn’t enjoy this one as much as i hoped. It was tedious and a bit boring at times, but at least i got to hear the dialogues and oh my… he truly was a despicable brother!

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