Elusive Target Arcade

lel. The H2 Contract is the same targets as last time, just in a different order.

What contracts were released today, and who are the targets?

Not one to say I told you so, but…

3 sets of contracts, one per game, as per usual.

The complication for the Quanta, level 1 is one disguise change.
Indices, Level 1 is one pacification
Clutches, Level 1 is headshots only.


Geez, the Indices has the same targets of the previous batch. At last they inverted theyr order… :roll_eyes:

Fortunaly, at last The Quanta bringed us new (Olds) targets. Some of my favorites too (Johanne :heart: and Robert :skull:)


That just means they didn’t give the right timing for the one they said. The original message wxplicitly, without room for interpretation, said a contract with one target from each game. It’s just not here now.

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Well, I unlocked it and - now you have a new favorite loud gun. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Also, challenge pic still uses erroneously HWK21 Covert as unlock. Probably will be fixed in next update tho, since pic for it already exists on H3 Twitter.


That’s great. I didn’t touched the Arcade for months, but I definetly play the Quarta right now and unlock this beautiful beast!

Thanks for sharing mate! :sunglasses::+1:t2:


the indices has to be a joke


They did give the right timing - they said that the change was coming soon. They didn’t give a time frame because these three contracts were added into the game back in January and they knew that there wasn’t going to be a patch released to change the data on this set of three before they went live.

Also they never said “a contract with one target from each game”, they said that soon (ie after this final set from the original batch went live) each contract going forward would be three levels.


I came to say the same! Haven’t played in a while, but that Striker V3 is all enough reason for me!

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IOI made a statement at the beginning of March that said they would release a “…batch will also include an Arcade Contract consisting of Elusive Targets from each game in the trilogy.”

That statement was taken, by some on this forum, as an indication that a single batch of three levels would be released with one level per game. That wording could be read two different ways. IOI used the word “contract” to mean a set of levels, not one, but since that word is singular, it could be read as “contract = single level” rather than “contract = set of levels”.

They will not be releasing any Elusive Target contracts (of three levels) consisting of cross-game content. Each contract will be sourced from a single game.


Oh, son of a bitch! After reading that sentence over and over for a month, now the goddamn other interpretation of it goes on in my head.

Good god, do I look like a twit now.

Apologies for the arrogance of my previous statements, it literally just clicked in my head how else the exact wording of that sentence could be read.


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I think this unlock is “reserved” for the Freelancer mode.

the striker v3 oh ok

Already unlocked it. It’s the Striker, but with a much cooler design and two additional bullet for magazine.
It’s not a game changer, but I love it. This is the first time I’m actually satisfied for a reskin, never though about it!


Were they able to make complications optional yet?

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I still don’t know how it can be interpreted in the two ways.

They mention

we are ending March with a batch of Arcade Contracts

followed by

This batch will also include an Arcade Contract consisting of…

Maybe Travis didnt write it correctly, but to me one Arcade Contract means a bundle of 3-5.


I wish we’d have The Undying and The Serial Killer for once. Instead of The Revolutionary and The Appraiser once again…

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is there anyone on here who has not been driven to the point of insanity by seeing the revolutionary in every single season two batch