Elusive Target Arcade

Does anyone know if they removed the ear piece for the proxy sniper kill on The Iconoclast? I remember seeing a video of someone doing that method and the earpiece was in the same place as the main mission.

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As someone who was vocally critical of the Hide All Bodies complication, I think they might have over-corrected with the current sparseness of complications.

Hide All Bodies with The Ascentionist was bad design. It takes her like, 5? 8? 10? minutes to get out of public areas and go into a hallway with a bit more privacy (and still potential witnesses).

If you’re playing No Restarts, you get quite few chances at her isolation. If you’re playing Restarts, you need to wait through all that dialogue again.

If you emetic her, she goes into occupied stalls with no wardrobes. If you’re playing No Restarts, have fun dealing with THAT. If you’re restarting and you want to displace her via emetic, you need to do all this other mucking about first. Which is FINE normally, but not necessarily when it’s to obey some frustrating complication which is antithetical to the accident-natured focus of 47’s best kills.

Okay okay, you CAN find awesome, beastmode ways to kill her and hide her and not get caught… like, 1% of 1% of players can, I mean.

Hide all Bodies in that ET was bad design.

Some of the other complications were better design.

Players want to replay ETs.

Most ETs are limited in scope and get boring quick when you’ve heard all the dialogue and tried a couple cool kills.

It’s like balancing a game is a difficult, ever-evolving process or something!


Yea, I definitely think these contracts could use more complications. They’re kind of just boring now. That said, I do think the complications should be optional and you should come up with some new ones instead of just botching on the same hand full we’ve been using for escalations and contracts mode over the years. I know people just want to play them normally but since we’re already repeating elusives, they gotta add something different to it. Repeats that just play the exact same way add nothing.

Also for the love of god, at least mix up the games for the packs because the H2 ones are ridiculous. I know some people may not own the corresponding game but I’m telling you, no one who doesn’t own all three games gives a shit about this mode.


Hey guys. I just played the Arcade Contracts with Hitman 2 Elusive Targets for Tracks 2 & 3. The funny thing is that the difference is that Track 3 is in a reverse order. Track 2 also only has the Camera Complication and Track 3 you can only do 1 Pacification in each level.

I played Track 3 first and figured out how to eliminate the two targets with only 1 Pacification each and a disguise change. The Politician is the only one that I didn’t do that because the easiest way to eliminate her is to shoot the Outdoor Heater. The real ET smokes just like The Appraiser. I did the same method in Track 2 and that was easy. The only ET that was challenging was The Revolutionary and was the one I need to restart the most to get him to spawn at the building near the First Start Location. I scared him and I poisoned his drink. Simple.

That’s the downside with only having 7 ETs in Hitman 2 & 3, they just repeat. I would like to see The Undying and The Serial Killer appear. I never got to play those ETs. But yeah, those are my thoughts. Easy? Yes. It would benefit if there was an optional complication or two. I definitely missed how Arcade Contracts worked at launch.


I have to agree with @thrison about the increasing complications changing the ETs and would have given a varied playthrough. Instead, the single complication makes the ones from H2 and H3 very repetitive, especially as the H3 ones are getting another run.

Would I have enjoyed just a simple relaunch of the ETs without complications and not in an ETA playlist, sure. But I would have played them once or twice (maybe a third time to end it on a 5 star run depending on my other runs). I actually enjoyed the initial ETA escalating complications, it made me rethink my approaches and would have given the H2 ones a bit more variety (except the Politician, unless they started to add kill methods).


Exactly. All they needed to do is implement a system where we earn tokens to play any et we want one time. Then when we’re done playing that et, it locks where we have to earn more tokens to play again.

Just like freelancer. Earn money to buy gear.
So same idea, earn tokens (or even money) and buy a playthrough.


Huh, I never even considered that, but I like that idea.


I wonder how hard would be for IOI to allow us to make contracts based on the elusive targets missions. I always wanted to work for The Prince and take care of the protestors in front of the church.


I’m still adamant that the complications should of been made optional and not a instafail.

While Optional objectives are necessary to reach Silent Assassin that’s a simple price to pay since it opens new opportunities to improve the mode rather then removing difficulty.

Optional Objectives can provided a new Challenge Track that rewards players, it will encourage people to do them and adapt their play style.

The issues with the complications aren’t the complications alone it’s the fact these complications are instafail which is accepted by the majority in the community as an undesirable thing to have especially in the Featured Contract scene. This is the case more than ever with ET Arcade and it’s fail timer which should only trigger if you quit out mid contract or if you die.


Added to that was the possibility of accidentally triggering a fail. I have personally intended to open a door or hide a body and instead changed disguise, resulting in a fail. Randomness introduced into NPCs can result in someone seeing a body once in 10 times, resulting in a fail. These things may be under the control of the player but they are not easy to avoid at times, especially given that a lot of players do tend to do certain things quickly - not in a speedrunning way - just as a natural course of playing the game. It doesn’t make sense to spend 10 minutes dragging a body around. It has to be done quickly.

When accidents and button mistakes end up in a failure that cannot be corrected until a timer elapses, you get angry players.


Does somebody remember what the starting locations were for the original Politician and Appraiser ETs?

In the Genera and Indices for some reason they are different … and/or bugged, at least Hawke’s Bay (Boat start from Mastery lvl 1 is locked but Beach start from Mastery lvl 3 is unlocked).


I just figured that it’s just a remnant of a removed complication where you could only start in a suit or something.


I’m not sure about the Politician, but the Appraiser was the different ones where you’re already in a disguise. The Warehouse and Custodian (disguise) was the easiest way to get to her.


I’d like to know this as well. Just booted up the Iconoclast and figured I’d replicate the way I did it the first time, but the earpiece is gone.

I really don’t see why they’d remove it though. It’s a fun option.


It’s really weird because, from what I’ve seen on the main mission and one escalation, it seems that you have to deliberately program the NPC to be able to be scanned with the phone so i don’t think it was a glitch. Why adding that opportunity and then take it away? it’s not that it’s a cheap kill either, you have quite some setup to do, her bodyguard is an enforcer so it’s a little tricky to scan her and you can’t do it suit only. I really hope this is a glitch and not done on purpose.

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Could’ve been unintentional that it was active to begin with as one possible explanation is that it was a result of copy and pasting Tamara Vidal at the very start of the creation of the ET and was never intended to still be active for the ET

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ETA I think the H2 stage is irreplaceable and uninteresting.
I understand that it is difficult to release an elusive target in Miami with realistic actors.
However, I think.
Then why not keep the mission content the same, change the appearance of the characters, and redistribute new characters that don’t exist?
I am not particular about the appearance of the actors, so as long as I can play the missions, that’s all that matters to me.
Would that not also be allowed?

I think not cuz it’s copyright. It’s like calling your music band metalika (and pronouncing it metal-lick-ah). Can’t do that. :man_shrugging::joy:

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Is there a consensus on why The Serial Killer ET hasn’t shown up in any of the Hitman 2 Arcades?

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most of us are assuming it will be reactivated as a proper et during a free whittleton creek period for people who don’t own season two, and that it will be added to eta afterwards .