Equipment for Hitman VR for PC

Interesting that the Player Support hub also says this:

If you can access HITMAN 1 and HITMAN 2 within HITMAN 3, you can play it all in VR.

That’s not the case on PlayStation where you must have H3 Standard or Deluxe to access VR - ie you can’t have the Starter Pack only and import H1/H2 and play in VR.

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This IS the case for PC VR. I’ve added extra clarification to the patch notes and player support article. You cannot access VR content on PC via the Free Starter Pack.


Btw, regarding VR, any chances that Elusive Target Arcade can be played on it ?

PSVR can do OG ETs - so I can’t see why not.

Oh nice, thank you. I’ve been googling and searching for the past couple weeks and I absolutely couldn’t find any Gameplay videos of elusive targets in VR. That’s nice then :slight_smile:

I just ran through the little tutorial for PC VR in offline mode. The entire game runs in VR so anything you can do in the game, you can do in VR. I was afraid that the menus and stuff would be “normal” and then would switch to VR for the missions but it’s all done through the headset. ETs, Missions, Contracts, all of it is VR-playable.

Anyone know if there are left handed options? I feel like a child trying to shoot and do things with my right hand.

No, none (yet? hopefully)

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