February 23 (2021) Patch Notes - HITMAN 3

Trophy problem Partially fixed, expect to be fixed next month :+1:t2: I’m still waiting on the Rich Harvest myself.

Can’t IOI just publish a quick hotfix for glitched trophy? It seems not necessary to spend another one month on waiting the next large patch only for a minor but annoying issue.

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I don’t know the science behind it all but I presume it’s a bit more complex than just releasing a hotfix.


There’s probably an acceptance testing & regression testing process, so they know the bug is gone for sure and won’t cause more bugs. For a game as complex as Hitman, there’s a lot to test. Submitting lots of small patches without testing them is a recipe for bugs.

I’m sure it’s frustrating, and I get it, but honestly monthly patches for a complicated game, across 5 platforms, is pretty impressive.


Ok, but seriously, how hard is it to patch a such simple pack? Are some copyright issues or what?


Me too. Exactly the same.

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No that can’t just release a quick patch.

Back in 2012, it used to cost a developer $40,000 to release a patch for a console game, and that cost is probably much higher these days. So no, IO aren’t going to spend tens of thousands of dollars just so you can get a trophy or two a little earlier. You can wait a month until the next patch.

I’m guessing it’s because they’re needing to design an unintended system for it. The patch notes say that the items were meant to be in the progression carryover (so that only the right people would get them) which means the game isn’t designed to “decide” whether they show up or not. So now they need to make something which will only cause them to appear when someone owns the right bit of content.


If IO gave 2 shits about in game leaderboards, how about we also remove the actual cheaters like Sprut? Patches aside, the in game leaderboards at least on PC are meaningless without a strong anti-cheat program.

Personally I haven’t followed the in game leaderboards forever, and IMO they would be irrelevant even if they were accurate. What value is in a little leaderboard rank without a corresponding video to showcase the strategy?


When you couldn´t give two shits about leaderbords:

But a sudden relatively minor darkening of Sapienza´s lighting fucks up your gameplay experience entirely:



Also when will they fix the bug of not showing everyone on the leaderboards? I want to know how many people beat Dubai dammit.

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Is it a bug though? Maybe it´s intentional to tell people that they´re either in the top 500, and if not, they don´t know how much they actually sucked :sweat_smile:

Shame I felt that actually felt cool to be part of something bigger. Plus it was in Hitman 2, why remove a feature?

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I admit it is interesting to know how many people actually play a map.

Isn´t that the eternal question with IO´s decisions…


Microsoft stopped doing this in 2013. I don’t know what the fee is nowadays for Sony & MS, but I doubt they are charging five figures per patch anymore.

Most AAA’s and many other titles now rely on constant updates and live services. Gaming was very different in 2012, which is why Sony & MS got away with ridiculously charging developers to patch a game. Thankfully, Sony & MS had to change their tune after public opinion soured when learning about the $40,000.

I’m not sure why this almost decades-old practice of 40K per patch keeps getting quoted as if it’s still around. If there still is a fee, it’s most likely of a different nature. And due to legal reasons, developers & publishers can’t comment on them.


So, if the Berlin exit was removed due to that SA-time bug as well as it being a buggy hole to dump NPCs into, what about the Chongqing manhole? That uses the same mechanics as the Berlin exit (and as far as I know, it should be the same in Whittleton), so… what’s not broken about CQ?

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Right, but in Chongqing, Whittleton etc you could actually exit the mission properly.

Pre-patch, the Berlin manhole didn’t let you exit the mission properly even if it saved the time you triggered it to the rating screen.

The question is not “why is Chongqing manhole not broken”, but just “why is Berlin manhole broken”.

I agree that the Berlin manhole should have worked like other manhole exits, but I’m no dev.


Huh. That’s weird. I guess I didn’t use that exit enough, I had no idea of that bug.

I am mad that someone made a video about how to unlock this.


I can’t play right now, could anyone upload the new sound effect that plays when entering a hostile area?

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I honestly don’t care about losing the Berlin manhole at all because it was literally right next to the scooter exit.