Freelancer and its drawbacks regarding no saves

As i said in my initial post, i only had the classicballer which is the first pistol you start with. First mission after the launch of freelancer and electricity went off because of the storm outside. Classicballer was gone. I dont know why this happened, as i also said it could have been much worse. But i dont think that an autosave upon spawning in each map is something that makes the game “easy” as some others say in addition to “try harder”, “l2p” etc. Well, power outages happen to all, so i am looking forward to seeing what they say when the same happens to them too

The game already autosaves between each mission & you’re not supposed to be penalised for an unexpected shutdown. Saving again when the mission has already started would actually make things slightly harder for people who force quit the game to replan the mission, but it would make no difference to you in this case because you’ve apparently encountered a bug.


Wait, so the fact that the classicballer disappeared after the power outage was a bug? Not a penalty?


I would say it was a bug. You did say it happened on your very first mission, before you even get the tools cases unlocked and the prestige objectives are not yet available. I think you’d have a different experience in literally any subsequent missions after that first one. Many players have either legitimately lost power/connectivity or intentionally pulled the plug, so to speak, without the consequences you’ve described. I would bet that it was just a “first mission” bug.


But problem of modern gamers is not that game is hard for them, but they are unpatient. They used to games that gratitude them for everything without any effort. So when next game punish them in any means - they take this as something bad. Freelancer isn’t hard, it just need some time to get used to it. I bet people who already know Hitman maps - they don’t have huge problems with Freelancer.

It’s because most of the players want to finish something without effort - makes that games are too hard for them. So I don’t agree with you at all. Hitman isn’t hard game, but require patience. This isn’t a game’s problem that people want earn everything fast. This is is a problem for that kind of players.

I saw many videos how people play Hitman, like a Call of Duty, there is plenty of opinions that people said Hitman is very short game, require only few hours to complete. I bet these same gamers saying that Freelnacer is too hard.

I don’t want that people force developers to tune down Game’s difficulty. That same happened to Alien Isolation where lowest difficulty turned down Aliens AI - made him a stupid and people who played lowered difficulty - said that game is boring.

If someone saying that Hitman is a hard game, it means that Hitman isn’t for that kind of player. Simple as that. And I hate when nowdays everything need to be for everyone. Netflix make a movies for everyone, that’s why this is a garbage.


Go to school “kid”. Learn patience and knowledge that not everything what you want, is what you get - without effor. Modern youth, born in times where everything is easy to get, so you demand more because you never lerned how to work for you want.

We’re really going for all the stereotypes here, aren’t we?

That is a wild accusation with no evidence.

That’s just not being used to a new genre. Also, this is just pre-empting criticisms of genuinely bad game design as “you haven’t played enough yet”; games can still be badly balanced for the early game as that’s what most player will play when trying your game out.

What makes you say other games don’t have as much effort involved? You’re just saying things with nothing to backup the claim.

Hitman IS a hard game; stealth games are generally not known for having large userbases, and as much as IOI has made it easier to get into, it’s a genre that’s hard by design. There are a lot of rules to follow and conditions that must be learned. And yes, a part of the game is learning to be patient, but that’s not all-encompassing to Hitmans’ design.

Pick a lane; we’re either insulting “modern gamers” or “gamers with no patience”.

…I’m noticing a pattern here…

As far as I can tell Alien Isolation is quite well known for being a hard game. I haven’t played the game since 2016, but I don’t recall anyone ever saying it was too easy?

As for “force developers to tune down Game’s difficulty”; well that’s just a stupid statement in of itself, as if people have issues with completing a game or level, then generally it needs looking at.

An example I have that is actually hard is Majoras Mask 3D. That game is filled with obfuscation and mechanics that are not properly explained to you. The game doesn’t tell you where to go, via the environment or via Tatl, and you can run around clock town feeling lost and aimless. To this day, I find the game so stubborn to complete that it’s one of the few 3DS games I own that i’ve not even gotten halfway through. But of course, for people who know MM3D’s intricacies, it’s not a problem for them and they complain about how “easy” it is, when it clearly isn’t.

Several things wrong here:

  1. I think Hitman is a hard game, so it’s apparently not for me. My 1700 hours in WOA apparently doesn’t exist now /s
  2. 2016 was very much designed in getting people into the Hitman series, and it succeeded. Prior to that point, the game was very niche; popular enough to get sequels, but it had an audience. Nothing but good comes from being more accessible to a broader audience.
  3. Netflix makes a bunch of diverse content, as does Amazon and Disney and [insert streaming service here]. Hell traditional Terrestrial Television is diverse, more than it’s ever been. If anything, Netflix is overstuffed with variety; too many shows with too-small a niches to ever succeed and get more episodes.

Ah yes, tell us more about The Old Days where you used to have to get up out of the shoebox at twelve o’clock at night, and LICK the road clean with your tongues and had half a handful of freezing cold gravel for dinner, worked twenty-four hours a day at the mill for fourpence every six years, and when you got home your Dad would slice you in two with a bread knife.

You tell the kids today and they don’t believe you!

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And that’s why games like Elden Ring could never work! I guess most of you haven’t even heard of it, it was way to difficult for modern players and it only got… Game of the Year?! How? Hm.

Joke aside, a problem I see coming up often in such debates is: Yes, some challenge is good. But don’t make the mistake of granting every difficult game or mode immunity just because “challenge is good you just don’t get it”! Something is not automatically better because it’s more difficult or punishing.

And now in Chonqging, i am asked to do an oil canister kill. I neutralize the target, drag him in the oil pool, i shoot the oil with my pistol, oil doesnt catch fire. WTF is going on?

I had the same thing happen to me in Chongqing on a level part of a staircase in “The Block”. No idea why that happened, I guess it’s a bug :roll_eyes:

Happened in the toilets next to the security camera recorder area (section 2). No matter how many times i shot the spill, nothing happened. However, water canister worked fine with micro taser earlier, but i start being scared LOL

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This has happened to me many times. I have always had to put the canister in the puddle and shoot the canister instead of the puddle.

I thought shooting the paddle should be enough, i am 100% sure its a bug. Also, i found another serious bug again in chongqing. There is an npc in the laundry shop, standing close to the door with the keypad. I had to paciffy him, so i threw a coin in the door and waited inside. The npc came in, i closed the door and suddenly i see the npc going upwards to the two guards on the first floor. As if the door pushed it up as it was closing. Wtf, lets make a list with those things, they will cost us a lot!

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Another bug! In the kitchen, there are two redecorate options unlocked at mastery 27. One for the table with the wine on it and another next to that, on the furniture with the water pool on it that also says “clean surface” or something. The one with the surface bugs out when you choose to redecorate it, making all the other redecorate prompts invisible. You need to exit the game to be able to see them again. THis affects the weapons and gear access with the G button, if you try to get a weapon from its position, you will not be able to put it back, or take anything else from another section!

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it sure does suck to start over especially when you are far in the campaign, but im not talking about power outage or whatever might happen from outside the game allot of really annoying stuff happens from within the game,
I just logged off my game because turns out Jason Portman’s suite in Hokkaido has transparent walls
and someone caught me from a 100 miles while i was stuffing the director’s body in a closet and the entire map turned into a warzone! i think these NPC guards called more NPC guards from other maps LMAO :joy: :rofl:

I love Freelancer and the whole premise of risk and reward. Hitman is my favourite game and this new game system adds a new dimension of play that refreshingly moves away from the silent assassin gameplay and adds a higher intensity in terms of success or failure. When you complete a mission the feeling is brilliant. When you lose it’s brilliantly horrible. However, I personally have 1 major issue with it.

Without a save on exit option I will not play this game at all. The reason for this is not related to frustration of the gameplay or how risk and reward is managed. It is because, like so many of us, I do not have the luxury of playing a video game for longer than 2 hours. Even then I only play once in a blue moon compared to hardcore game players. I have no qualms in how they like playing the game. If I had my way I would play the same way. But as a working family man with a lot of responsibilities (as well as having epilepsy meaning playing for long periods of time is not good for my health) it simply is not a practical game mode. Without a save on exit mode it’s like being given a lamborghini but then being told if you don’t drive it until it runs out of gas you have to go back to your old car!


I really hope IOI stick to their guns and don’t provide in-mission saves or other such concessions to this game mode.
Yeah, it can be hard. And sometimes it sucks having to quit a mission due to real life stuff getting in the way. But ultimately, the difficulty is what makes it rewarding.

It’s exactly like most of FromSoft’s games. People have been begging them to make the Souls games easier for years, but they’ve never done so, and I think it ultimately made their games better for it. People don’t realize that having the option to lower the difficulty will inevitably make you do so, and then the experience just becomes flat. Instead of peaks and valleys it just becomes this straightforward road of mediocrity that most games already are, and I don’t want Hitman to be that.


FromSoft games = constant autosaving, but no manual save slots. When you quit to menu the game saves and will load you back in exactly where you were when you left. They don’t load you back to the last bonfire.

That is basically exactly what people in this thread are suggesting, so seems odd to bring the Souls games up as an example of why IO should not do it…

Hitman already has a casual difficulty, and i don’t think i have played it once. Do you play the main game on Casual?


I think I’ve mentioned this before in similar threads, but for me the only real sticking point is that in this game there are some places you can save and some places you can’t. Players don’t generally like being given things sometimes and then having them taken away at other times.

If you build a game that has a Save/Load function (and the Load Game function is available right there in the main screen of the game), and tell players in the loading screens of your game that they have the ability to save and load, but then disable that function in (what is arguably at this time) most of your game, you will get questions as to why they can’t Save and Load their game.

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