Freelancer - Closed Technical Test

Woohoo! I’m in! Can’t wait to start playing later on when it opens up!

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It boots up but “server is down for maintenance” and there’s nothing available in offline mode. Nothing surprising there.

That’s pretty much what Clemens said in the video. Tomorrow it will work.

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I´ve been selected. Feels like winning the lottery. :laughing:

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I second this specific phrasing of the "I got in” message
60GB, a small price to pay for salvationlancer



20 characters NOW PLEASE

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Ok, can’t wait! Really hyped now!


May he rise for the second coming of hitman enjoyment

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Wonder how many people were successful in joining the CTT. Wonder if it was enough to potentially see a server crash when they lift the CTT server from maintenance. :laughing:


oof, it would suck so bad if we’d have server issues :smiling_face_with_tear:

Got my invite to the CTT.

Going to be deliberately playing like the most clueless n00b (as opposed to my usual merely slightly-below-average level of prowess) to compensate for all you freaks who are SASONKO-ing missions in speedrun-fast times so that IOI end up tuning their XP/economy balancing to meet the needs of the Joe Schmoe average player.


No such second coming is required =P

I signed up and got picked! :+1: :+1: :partying_face:

I play Hitman 3 on console, but luckily I recently got myself a new gaming laptop. I don’t use Steam too frequent but I’m willing to give this a crack. You don’t need Hitman 3 to do this technical test. I don’t know if it has controller support. If it does, that’s great. Doing one for the team, especially down under in Australia. If not, then well… I’m in for a wild ride. :smiling_face_with_tear:

Rogue-likes aren’t sort of my thing, but I am willing to give different genres a go. It’s like playing a game that I don’t typically play which was the case for Hitman until I really liked it.


The YouTuber I watch also got the game.


Totally didn’t check the wrong email i also have lol


Did you use the key yet? If not, remove the image.

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OMG. I just checked my mail and found this…OMG. I just checked my mail and found this…


I cut it off on purpose so you can’t see the code.

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My theory for this, for all the lore nerds, is that they’re partially using info from the ICA Data leak.