Freelancer - General Discussion

I like reskins, or at least, I don’t mind them… but I really don’t care for the earphones and other fiber wire reskins.


Think of those Safehouse decorations though :wink:


Ambrose - I love the showdowns but I hate getting a target in the militia base then a target in the village on a regular mission :confused:

Having done a Hokkaido hardcore final, it’s absolutely amazing to see the map so chuck full of people, really gets maximum use of the map lol


For anyone who dared to a Showdown in Colorado, what are the model the assassins use there? I’m guessing they look like hackers since they are the only civilian NPCs in the map.

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I now only play showdowns in Colorado. It’s actually easier than most maps for showdowns because the map is quite small, flat and very much like you’re in a box.

They just look like regular guards. Not hackers.
It’s funny tho, on normal and non alerted and playing suit only, suspects and assassins are not enforcers. Lol


Thanks for telling me! And I play only on Hardcore now so, no Colorado for me when it comes to showdowns. Only in normal missions.

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(Spec ops for the assassins, I think any guard type for the lookouts as I’ve seen militia elite and regular soldiers @UrsamRableckBearmon )

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So with the new upcoming Undying DLC and as Safehouse cosmetics are part of the bundle, what do people expect to see coming? I know we’ve seen some brief pictures from IGN about some new furniture inside the Safehouse, but does anyone expect much for the outside areas, such as new vehicles or outside furniture etc?


The Makeshift and Street Art DLCs had cosmetics focused around the living room/kitchen plus the funny eyes and nuclear waste outside so they might do something similar here. Some other things I think would be cool to have are the Kronstadt kill robot (maybe in the practice room?), a soda machine (always stocked with Fountain View of course), and all the branded racecar variants instead of just the white one.


Yes, the tease for the IGN Fanfest has at least 4 new cosmetics visible in it.

  • the obvious Miami one for the sofa
  • a fur carpet that seems to be from the dining room
  • a new garden statue
  • a new tree decoration (at least I think the skull-like thing hangs from the tree and is not a strange perspective from the statue)

Now they could all be part of the Undying cosmetic pack, but I just don’t see the link with them? The statue could be robotic-like though.
But the rest? Looks separate theme-wise.

By the way, since a lot of it is kit-bashed from location assets, does anyone identify what those are?

garden statue

(best case scenario, they are new assets from at least a 7DS level of work new escalation)


i play the freelancer and i got to the third syndicate i stop the game and log out to rest after i log in it resets everything and i lose all my progress damn it goes all the effort and money i collected you guys should look into this of the game is a great injustice


Did you start the next mission and exit it via the menu?


It could be some kind of Kronstadt robotic arm for factories? Dunno why anyone would want that in their garden but at least it seems consistent with the rest.


To be honest, I’m hoping IOI keeps to the same theme as the Makeshift Weapon DLC in terms of content because we got a decent amount in that pack. Hopefully we’ll keep some cool stuff for the outside area :grin::crossed_fingers:t2:

Looks like some cool stuff to come from what we’ve briefly seen so far. Hopefully there’s more stuff coming for the Safehouse that we haven’t seen in this DLC yet.


No I just went back to the safe house and only the last mission was left to close the circle you have to find the leader among the purples I didn’t start it I just exited the game and as soon as I reentered after a few hours everything was gone

Ah that is a fantastic Damian Hirst if I do say so myself.

Yes I know that Freelancer thematically builds off of the end of the game. That’s usually how alternate universe works. It shares the background canon but splits off in different paths. I doubt Freelancer will ever be referenced in future games.

I can’t say I have definitive proof that I am right but I say the burden of proof is on those claiming it to be canon as there is no reason to assume a non-story driven game mode is anthing but it’s own little thing just like the now cancelled Ghost Mode or the never released Zombie Mode.

As for the ETs I’ll just refer to this comment I posted when I last discussed this with Heisenberg

“As for the contracts in the Data Facility cutscene I do not consider all of them to be canon but rather easter eggs and filler photos since they include The Washington Twins that were not sanction targets and ICA would have no knowledge of. You can also see Silvio Carusos brothers and that elusive contract was cancelled and never released and Richard Ekwensi appears twice.”

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Let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Associate game director of Freelancer, Jonas Breum Jensen:

Freelancer exists in a separate parallel timeline.

On the one hand the narrative of being a freelancer and operating solo with Diana, but without belonging to a bigger organization like ICA, fits with where the story of where Hitman 3 ends. But on the other hand the actual on-mission gameplay in Freelancer takes place on the same time as the main missions, in most cases, so that gives a narrative disconnect to make the post-Hitman 3 idea work fully […] we also decided to leave a bit of ambiguity so that players who like to pretend that the gameplay takes place after Hitman 3 can do that, without too much distraction from the established canon.

Basically, it is set up so that you can roleplay it as being connected to the main story, but it is in fact not canon.

On general note, I recommend reading this interview. I gotta give it up for Torbjørn Vinther Christensen, the real MVP of IO. He truly understands the appeal of the pure assassin fantasy. And, you know, the fact that he was behind both Sapienza and Hokkaido.

I think an underestimated part of the hardcore fanbase likes to play slow and immersive.
I like how he emphasized fans having the opportunity to plan out hits, maintain weapons arsenal, do roleplaying. It’s such an understated part of the Hitman experience, in a time where most reviewers and YouTubers are saying: “Who plays Hitman for immersion? It’s about gameplay only”.


Not relevant. As I’ve pointed out before, first and foremost, the intentions and views of the creators of a work are not the final be-all/end-all say on the matter because of changing views, different inputs when there’s more than one person involved in its creation, and what actually ends up happening within the established work down the line, regardless of the creator’s original intention.

Reading what was actually said there, what everyone else has already settled on is how the situation is being described: the safehouse, Diana sending 47 the freelance contracts, and that they are continuing their work in a post-ICA world is in fact canon. The actual Freelancer missions we are all individually playing are not canon, because for obvious reasons, each one is different.

The presence of the main campaign maps being how they are is a gameplay limitation meant to be ignored; they do not themselves negate the events of Freelancer as canon events. As far as the storyline goes, after 47 and Diana joined up again and started to work together without the ICA, 47 moved into the safehouse and then proceeded to eliminate criminal syndicates like the Chemist, the Ghost Maker, the Programmer, etc… How those played out will never be known canonically, because they take place between main game entries and are tailored to the individual player’s experience, but they do take place. So, yes, Freelancer is canon; our personal experiences within it are not. Difference.

Anyway, let’s get back on topic.