Freelancer - General Discussion

Bug or not, IOI should just declare that to not be a bug. There should be absolutely no reward for losing in Hardcore Mode. No “A Worthy Sacrifice”, no “I’ll Be Back”, no “Cold Feet”, no shirtless bandaged suit, etc. Those should only be available on Normal Mode. Reason for this is because it adds more pressure on HC players since they can expect absolutely nothing good from losing.

In fact any XP or unlocks they earn in HC should be sent into “standby mode” and can only be available if the campaign is beaten successfully; failing means its all lost.

You have to pick open one of the deposit boxes themselves. Ran into that one yesterday.

I don’t understand the obsession that some people have of getting 100% completion of every game they play. Some of the challenges are clearly designed for the top 1% of superfans of this mode that will play it for a long time, ultimately putting in hundreds or even thousands of hours. And I don’t think there’s anything wrong with having things like that in a game to acknowledge those players.

If you’re not one of those superfans, but instead in the 99% of normal players, then just don’t go for those challenges. It’s not as if failing to get some challenges or reach level 100 will cause you to miss out on any meaningful content.

There’s no sense in wasting your life forcing yourself to play something you don’t enjoy just for the sake of making an arbitrary number go up. Play games for as long as you enjoy them, and then stop. Don’t worry about how many unfinished achievements or whatever you left behind.


I find the leveling too long because in the design phase, there are relationships that must be respected, proportions and sizing of things. One’s opinion up to a certain point and there is subjectivity also the matter of player experience design. Mastery design is wrong, frustrating, and business-defeating. Some might even be okay with it, however I’m 100% sure that if you polled all players, the vast majority would agree with me. I’m sure not because I asked, but because it’s what I study in life and design is my job and I speak objectively and not according to my personal opinions. These are facts. I don’t want to sound rude, English isn’t my language, however the design choices are wrong and there’s really no arguing about that. Surely the ioi devs were wrong and hastily put a leveling system without thinking about it and used round numbers to advance the difficulty without considering the final results, not everything we have has necessarily been thought out

Safe Clues are always either in the same room as the safe, or in adjacent rooms to it.

Usually, I find there’s 2 clues in the same room, and one right next door.

If you have a safe in an open area, usually the ‘adjacent room’ is the nearest enclosed space (four walls and a door)

I guess every game that’s come out in the last decade has conveniently made the same mistake (I don’t even necessarily disagree that it’s a bit grindy, just think you’re logic isn’t solid).

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I’ve always assumed that the descriptions of leaders are complete, in the sense that if it doesn’t say the leader has a hat (for instance), then the leader has no hat.

Today I finally ran into something that disproved this. A leader who had a tattoo even though the description didn’t mention it.

It is confusing to me that I could play this for one week under the assumption that this was true and never ran into any problems until now.


You have the right idea for tells and the agenda.

But yeah, the Leader can have other physical characteristics on top of the four listed. In other words, any visual element that’s not part of the four are completely irrelevant for that showdown.

My freelancer skills be like


How is it “wrong” or “business-defeating” to ask for a player to play longer than a week on a game mode that doesn’t even force the player to beat it in any specific time at all? The frustration you describe comes from your opinion on the length it takes to complete - in which derives from your choice to complete it 100%. In which can be completed now or years down the line.

  • Simulators asks to play 100’s of hours for a single trophy.
  • COD requires 100’s of hours for Prestiges and challenges.
  • GTAIV asks you to win every single gamemode in MP which includes winning 260 races.
  • MGS4 asks to play the game a minimum of 7 times for the platinum.
  • The Saboteur asks to destroy over 3000 items
  • Every Ubisoft game has tons of collectibles for artificial gameplay.

Some people think it’s grindy and some don’t. Some people cheat for it, some don’t, it’s subjective. But there’s no need doubling down with this excuse of blaming IOI, chalking it up to “bad design” for the lack of personal patience.

The hat may ring true. So far, I have yet to kill a hat wearer when not described. But the tattoo definitely is an addition. It is best to not counter assume the characteristics.

@Jakub Putting the Free in Freelancer


So maybe its true about certain characteristics. Interesting. Maybe I’ll start to make notes on it.
Things about the hat is that it’s the only characteristic that you can tell from miles away, so maybe it’s different for that reason.

It does seem to be really rare for leaders to have characteristics not listed though, or I don’t think it would take me this long to notice.

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I think the game’s NPCs are in a pool with tags associated to them, similar to Contracts Mode. So when we get whatever clues, it pulls those generated NPCS with the corresponding tags from the NPC pool. But it certainly looks like some of the NPCs have more identifiable tags than we get given.

The tattoos are an actual texture on the NPCs UV map so the tattoo comes along with that character. I’m not sure if the outfits are generated or premade but if always might end up with an NPC with an tattoo whether it was disclosed or not.

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Is it the Stanley Parable that had an achievement for not playing the game for something like 10 years, in real time? I mean you could always just reset your system clock, but game makes do stuff like that all the time. It’s not “bad design”.


Yep, well in the original version the “Go Outside” achievement required not playing the game for 5 years, but in the recent ultra deluxe version it is now 10 years for the “Super Go Outside” achievement.

It also has the ‘Art ending’ which involves continuously pressing a big red button to stop a crying baby going into a fire pit for FOUR HOURS


Does this also fail if the body that was found was an accidental kill? Because that’s what happened with me. I threw the body from a ledge and then went down. A civilian spotted it but when he went to retrieve a guard, I took my chance and hid the body. Still it shows failed?

It’s not about “some people that some people this”
Freelancer needs about 4,5 millions EXP. That’s too much for someone who just want his kitchen unlocked. It’s business defeating because only a few people will have to chance to see what the devs have worked on on the lasts levels, because common people will never reach 4,5 millions EXP. It’s literally working for less than 1% of the users. At least today, with only a few challenges and with the payouts the game gives you need hundreds of hours. We don’t know if freelancer will have new content.

it’s not me who lacks patience, it’s the game that demands too much of it. At this point there is no common sense limit, you could very well be asked for 10,000 hours of play and you should accept it because otherwise “you lack of patience” I find a wrong and unhealthy mentality for one’s life. But I’m certainly not here to tell people what to do and how to spend their time. Like I said, someone can spend months of their life unlocking their gym and grape garden because the devs wrongly put a 0 in the wrong box, that’s none of my business. Anyone who thinks it’s a fair use of their time has nothing to teach me.

It’s “bad design” to basically never let the player finish the game and enjoy all the content, yes. Someone enjoy having only 90% of the game experience? Not me

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Yeah that & “no bodies found” mean no bodies at all

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Your opinion. The kitchen is unlocked as soon as you get it, the rest is cosmetic.

I gave you examples of games off the top of my head that ask for more time and offers less than what Hitman does. Right now, I’m playing Dead Space Remake, straight on Impossible mode because it gives you rewards. In which the majority won’t complete or see. Is that “bad game design” because not everyone will have the rewards without earning it?

With Freelancer, the content will always be there and accessible. The better, more consistent and faster you are, the faster you’ll get through the levels. But everybody can eventually earn 100 Mastery as long as you manage to complete missions and bare minimum.

If you look at the challenges and tasks, they didn’t “accidentally put an extra zero” but are designed for long term play. The missing statues in the safehouse is the biggest indicator that more content should arrive. Not that it is impossible to earn everything with the current content now.

As you said, you don’t want 90%, you want it all, only without accepting the terms of the developers to get the rewards. If you wish to cheat the terms because you don’t want respect the time they’ve asked, nobody should tell you otherwise as it doesn’t affect anybody negatively. Just stop blaming everyone else but your own self control.


It doesn’t take very long to unlock the kitchen, and the game isn’t demanding that you do every little thing. You can experience 100% of actual content in a reasonable amount of time and the rest is just checking boxes.

The long term challenges and high mastery levels exist for players that feel inclined to play this for a long time, but if you don’t want to play that much, then don’t. You won’t be missing out on anything that matters. Just some cosmetics and a few checkmarks in the challenges menu.

The fact that most players won’t ever get those last few cosmetics or complete the last few challenges isn’t a design problem. It’s just the devs putting in some tiny things to acknowledge the small minority of really hardcore fans of the game.


There is also this quote from a recent interview with IO, which i basically read as they do have more planned, but if everyone stops playing after two weeks they won’t bother