Freelancer | Patch 3.170.1 | Bugs and Imperfections

I found something really annoying. If you happen to come across one of the main mission targets when they’re on lockdown, their guards will inmediatly turn hostile to you.


Nice catch. I haven’t noticed this myself but I would imagine it’s leftover behavior from the main game and how the AI reacts to us when mission targets are locked down.

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Not for Freelancer specifically but I think the patch which implemented Freelancer broke the UI for Patient Zero. the Yellow Skull icon for the infected targets is now just a blue briefcase


I had not noticed this, thanks for the share. :+1:

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Another day, another freelancer glitch (might happen on other modes too but I haven’t tested). Crowds on the Black Gold bar in Dubai don’t hide you. I almost failed a showdown because I got cornered by two lookouts and couldn’t hide. If it weren’t for one of the lookouts facing away from me at the last minute it would have been gg for me.


They are seriously broken in my opinion for a long time already.
I started noticing “unusual” crowds behaviour after one of the updates of HITMAN 2 (yes, HITMAN 2) long before Freelancer was even thought of, and since then I guess they getting worse with every next update.
Personally I never rely on crowds since then


It’s just weird that if you do something illegal, the crowds will react and panic for a few seconds afterwards and won’t let you hide in them. Even if they had no way of seeing you commit a crime.


Sigh. I come back to freelancer after a 6 month hiatus and is frustating to find a new glitch almost every day. So… here we go, more glitches to report.

First, poisoning the fumigation thingy on Cassidy’s house on WC doesn’t count for the “don’t lick me” challenge even though it counts for the eliminate target with poison objective.

Second, sometimes when leaving a hiding place all voices sound muffled. This has happened a couple of times already but I finally remembered to take a video of it, here it is.

All sound effects are fine but all voices sound muffled, this includes dialogue, grunts and pretty much any sound that comes out of a character’s mouth. I fixed it by entering and leaving a closet.

Edit: Oh, and the Wilsons’ garage door is still impossible to close.


Another bug related to sound is to muffling of voices when you drag…bodies. I dunno why either :person_shrugging:

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Thanks for the share. I hope IO has more updates coming soon but time will tell.

Thanks for the share. :+1:

Another Freelancer bug I’ve noticed since the Undying Pack.

The banana is floating on the new dining table. It seems to occur when you return from a mission, or you start playing Freelancer. If you choose another dining table and come back to it, it will be fine.

Weird sort of bug :thinking:


I’d like to add that the banana is also floating right after you set this specific table design. The banana is much lower, but still hovering ~ 1cm above the surface.


Nice catch. Did not notice it until this post. :+1:


:rofl: That is hilarious!


Think it’s across all platforms? Hopefully it gets fixed :crossed_fingers:t2:


I play a lot of Freelancer and I’m convinced that 3.180 silently disabled the Perfect Run prestige objective - right after it was silently re-enabled in 3.170


I think you’re right to be fair. I haven’t seen that come up in my prestige objectives for absolutely ages.

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This suspect has a rose tattoo on her right arm - except it isn’t applied to her body correctly so you can actually only catch glimpses of it.