Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

(Insert Omniman Meme)

That’s the neat part. You don’t have to.

eh… :thinking:

Anyway. Who gives a flip if another player can/will run and gun their way to get the job done? That doesn’t force you or anyone else to play the same way.

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You perception is limited. Puzzle aspect of the game is still there, but with different approach than you see it. Its about whole campaign not separate contracts. You are rewarded for Silent Assassin in different way that just points/money. Try to understand diffrent experience of Hitman and don’t think by glorification on each contract.

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lol. Blowing up a target, getting bodies found, getting compromised, etc, has no puzzle to it. lol

lol sniping a target in the middle of a crowd, has no puzzle to it. lol

lol stabbing a target in the middle of a crowd and running away, isn’t a puzzle. lol

Clearly you don’t know what a puzzle is in hitman. SA is the puzzle. Anything less isn’t.


Well SA isnt fun to get, if you want SA then pick the prestige objectives. In fact most people prefer to play Hitman to roleplay as a sniper so how about stop being so smug and touch grass


We have a dedicated SA topic for Freelancer, would you people continue discussing there? :stuck_out_tongue:

(Ideally by writing posts that don’t ridicule the other side for their opinion)


You just made a point that you don’t understand it, because you blindly look on one aspect of that “puzzles”. But i’ve covered everything in topic which Urben mentioned above ain’t gonna say no more.

Great. Shoot the target in the middle of the crowd with bodies found (not SA), get rewarded 5M for meeting objective. Continue to play happy as a role play sniper. Never said once you can’t or shouldn’t play like that.

But Shoot target isolated (SA), get rewarded 5M for meeting objective and 5M for getting SA.

Yet again, I’m not saying you can’t snipe, I’m saying sniping aaaaand getting SA should be rewarded highest.

But killing guards (non targets) and having the SA prestige is a contradiction. Can’t have both. Hence why they should make optional objectives (kill 4 guards) part of SA, hence the painting with the collector et, hence the syringes with the surgeons et. IOI isn’t punishing with not fulfilling SA, they are just rewarding HIGHEST payout when getting it. So still your “freedom” of choice is there.


It’s already like that though. See the other thread for more info.


Could you say this again without these two sentences contradicting each other? I have no idea what you mean.

Since we have the new Freelancer category, it’s best not to clutter general discussion threads like this with long, heated debate comments.

This thread should be used for observations, questions, and smaller comments related to the mode at large


Exactly. Just because they’re listed as objectives - none of them are required, they’re just optional.

Getting a maximum payout may not be possible. So you have to either plan accordingly, or have the other objective to fall back on in order to at least earn a little more M than you would if you didn’t do (whichever) objective, either by omission or failure.

Like @TheChicken said, with a Freelancer category, a general thread like this here is good for short discussions/comments (=not for lengthy talks) and actual long discussions should be done in their own thread. Ideally.


This becomes an issue when the mission descriptor lists a specific amount as the max payout, and then the optional objectives that contradict make it impossible to obtain. This means that the listed amount is not the maximum payout, something less than that amount is, and it should be listed as such. Otherwise, the game should not be able to assign contradictory objectives that make its mission descriptors untruthful.


Yo, ugh, don’t want to sound too annoying, but wasn’t there supposed to be another Road to Freelancer this month? I know November has not ended yet, but they usually release them on Thursday, and next one is already December…


I was wondering that too, but then I realised because we’ve only had two so far and they came out on different days so I figured maybe it’ll come right at the end of the month early next week.

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True. As much as I don’t really mind contradictory objectives that much, IO could at least change the payout-related wording in contract descriptions to manage players’ expectations.


It’s honestly the least they could do to “fix” many of these payout issues people have so far. Fingers crossed for that, or more tweaks to Merces🤞


As far as I’m concerned, if I’m not playing for Silent Assassin in the way in which we normally think of it, then I want to play for maximum payout. With these contradictory objectives, IOI can do one of two things: they can either program it so that contradicting objectives are never issues for the same mission, thereby leaving it up to the player’s performance towards those objectives to determine how many Mercers they earn; or they can alter the payout amounts advertised so that, if contradicting objectives are generated, only the amount that is possible to be earned is advertised. Naturally, I’d prefer option one, and you’d think it would be the simpler to accomplish of the two, but whichever, so long as the issue is addressed.


For anyone that is still playing the CTT via Peacock, are there certain weapons that you can only find on guards in certain locations and they won’t ever be given as rewards for eliminating a syndicate or with the suppliers?

I’ve played this enough that I’ve now got almost everything in the safehouse except for five - a mix of shotguns and assault rifles. Now when I eliminate a syndicate, Merces are showing up in the syndicate reward box (which are completely pointless because the supplier’s shops are also consistently completely empty). Not that I’ve been trying to complete the collection intentionally, I’m just curious if certain things can only be obtained by finding them because I would’ve only expected Merces to show up in the box once you have everything.


So, no more HPP way of playing? I thought those were very cool and inspiring.