Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

The fact that the game rewards you for sniping a target, doesn’t allow for freedom of play. It is forcing you to play the game a certain way to achieve the most payout. So regardless of game style, this “freedom” is made up. The only way the game is “freedom”, is when it’s any any.

When I say SA, I’m not talking about a play style, I’m talking about a reward system.

There have ppl who sniped the sensation ET and got SA. THATS what I’m talking about.

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Maybe IOI could just go for a compromise regarding Prestige Objectives.

Basically at the beginning or each campaign phase you’re choosing what type of playstyle you prefer and that’s what determines which category of Prestige Objectives appear to choose from.

Purist always gives a choice between 3 same objectives (Silent Assassin, Silent Assassin Suit Only and Sniper Assassin).
Speedrun gives 3 random timed objectives.
Freestyle gives 3 random non-timed objectives.

They more or less already do that. Each campaign type is suited towards a specific play style. They’d just need to make sure that the prestige objectives were better tailored to the campaign type.


Sure I get it, but at least for me, when I played campaigns tailored towards more silent approaches I was also doing a non-SA related objectives.
I don’t think that I’d like if more professional types of campaigns restricted random objectives to ones only related to SA.
That’s basically why I prefer more choices when it comes to the ability to shuffle available possibilities.

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Fact is they are never going to manage to please everyone. There will always be players who insist that Silent Assassin, Suit Only is the only legitimate end goal and any rewards geared towards “lesser” play will be put down.
Other players will want rewards for other styles of play and will complain that Silent Assassin is so highly revered.
Still others will just want to blow everything up and ignore any sort of ranking whatsoever.

IOI will release Freelancer and it will be what it will be.


While I for the most part agree with you there, schat, the electric phone, molotov, and Himmapan bread basket may want a word or two.

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Well that’s extremely surprising. I always thought that the online nature of the game mostly tracked your every move and action (and that of other NPCs), which is why the challenges can unlock so quickly once completed.


I suppose the way we can look at it, we don’t know what’s going to change from the CTT until launch? If this was noted by a lot of players in the Freelancer feedback thread, there’s a good chance IOI may look at tweaking things.

Your post sums it up perfectly! :grin:

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Nobody is saying other styles shouldn’t be rewarded. You want to blow up the target? Great. 5M. You want to blow him up SA? Great. 10M.
We are saying higher reward, not only reward.

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Other players will want equal rewards for other styles of play and will complain that Silent Assassin is so highly revered.


So your example is being able to fudge around AI a little bit to get one of the worst and most restrictive ETs with a sniper SA?

I hate that SA is highly rewarded in the main game for example and if it were higher rewarded in Freelancer it would bring back the fatigue Ive been feeling with the main game

Plus freelancer doesnt have savescumming so rewarding higher for that is just rewarding higher for better luck


Yes it does. It’s called Alt+F4

The number of people that will think to try it probably wouldn’t be that high. It honestly never occurred to me during the official CTT period to try it until I had a game crash mid-mission and when I reloaded, I was back in the safehouse like I had never left to go to Dartmoor.


It’s not worth it :stuck_out_tongue:

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This is still going, huh? I really don’t think y’all will come to an agreed-upon consensus soon. It’s still just a lot of back-and-forth from the same people.

Should the current debate on the ‘changes’ to Silent Assassin and it’s value in Freelancer be split into its own thread?
  • No
  • Yes

0 voters


No point of doing that since most people who complain about it, they didn’t played and/or don’t understand what is true nature of Freelancer and what is a real reward for being Silent Assassin, because they compare do base game and have blind percetion what Freelancer it is. If there should be such a topic - only after final release, when everyone have possibility to play.

Question is - should any further complains about SA in FA be deleted? :joy: Because it really doesn’t bring nothing new to a table, it’s just a word against a word between that same people.

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With a category we don’t need big general discussion threads for lengthy talks. Given how serious this topic is for some, I guess a new topic would be good and leave threads like this here for small comments that probably won’t result in many replies. :slight_smile:


It’s still hitman. If I wanted to play splinter cell, I’d play splinter cell. Removing SA as the highest reward, removes the puzzle aspect of the game, thus NOT making it a unique game, aka hitman.

If I can just kill guards (non targets) and the target, it’s just splinter cell or assassins creed.


I agree. I understand that Freelancer is supposed to be a new experience and include randomness and roguelike elements to help enhance that feeling of newness, but it’s still Hitman. There are still certain aspects of it that need to be held to Hitman standards. It’s roguelike being adapted to fit Hitman, not Hitman being adapted to fit roguelike.