Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

It was the After Dark screen saver Mike’s So-Called Life. It was just this guy who never left his apartment and went about his life. He’d cook dinner, take a nap, watch TV, stare at his neighbors with binoculars, etc. On Christmas he had a little Christmas tree with two or three ornaments on it. I think it was from the mid-90s or so. Pre-Y2K at least.

Not confused at all, I just think you’re giving IOI too much credit in assuming that they had this deep intention in not giving a base payout when it’s more than likely just one of a thousand small choices they made when developing the mode. Most likely did it to balance the economy, which was pretty bad in the CTT and was one the main things they wanted feedback on, so I see this being changed in the near future if it isn’t already for launch.

I respect playing the devil’s advocate, but sometimes things are just clear cut not good, and could simply be an oversight, there most likely isn’t any larger reasoning for it.

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That kinda makes sense too. Maybe they don’t want players just sniping all the time to make the game easy since they basically removed SA.

These are my screenshots which I sent in September to a thread in the leaks section. So the look might have changed slightly between then and November.

The time of day is random, like everything else in this mode. It also doesn’t just change the outside, things on the inside change too.


Anyone else hoping for a IOI Blog Post breaking down Mastery Progression to tease some unlocks we can unlock.


I’ve had almost all the items spoiled for me already by viewing the Leaks section, though I would like a teaser of some of the other safehouse decorations

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Doubt it. The Road to Freelancer posts for November and December never happened, and so far, neither has the one that was meant to be coming in January.

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Isn’t this the January post?

It’s the newest thing posted on their website (01/12). Someone reposted it on here, somewhere. Don’t think it got much attention though.


I’m hoping for something else tomorrow. Like, that article was more about showing how you don’t know what objectives you’ll get, and adapting to all the random variables is key to the mode…

I’m really hoping we can just get a quick “here’s the feedback on the Merces progression you gave us from the CTT”, here’s how Merces works and what you can buy with it, see you next week.

edit: Hey look I was kinda right


I doubt it either, but like I say I would be cool if they did :wink:

Will be interesting to see if that’s something IOI decides to do :grin:

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Considering the nature of the safehouse and how much they built it up as the key feature of Freelancer, I’d be honestly surprised if they didn’t do something like this. It’d be a major lost opportunity.



Looking forward to seeing what happens as we progress through this year.

Launch day still seems so far away :joy:


Can you believe it guys? Freelancer, just a week away. Freelancer is in a week! Woohoo! I am so happy about this information. Freelancer! Just a week away, oh wow. Can you believe it? Freelancer! Just in a week! It got here so fast! Freelancer! Just a week away!


And with the changes we now know have been implemented, my excitement has gone up even higher.




Can you help me out and specify those changes?

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You see there’s not a big overlap of Casimir fans and Hitman Forum users so I thought to retell it


Funny how literally no less than a day ago we were debating if IOI had greater intentions in having no base payout, and they just give it to us with no strings attached lol.


Pretty much a “shut you already, you spoiled brats”. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: