Freelancer - Pre-Release Discussion

Luckily, both are within reach.


I think this is expecting a tad too much. There will probably be minor changes to the maps, yes. A few extra NPCs and some removed… but it will be more like ETs probably, where the original level is still pretty much taking place as it is. It won’t make perfect sense in relation to the WOA-story. It’ll be a different timeline in the multiverse, I think!

Just saying, no need to be setting yourself up for disappointment.


Just capturing the brief time where the mode is releasing in both Spring 2022 and January 2023 before it’s updated fully.



My bad. I changed the title but didn’t change the body of the OP (I think I have powers for that?) :sweat_smile:

Anyway, the body of the OP is pulled straight from the original Blog Post, so I think it’s fair to leave it up as “spring 2022” since that’s where this whole discussion started. (Well, maybe we could add in a “January 2023” on the side to clarify the update… )

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I was referring this years content, Freelancer was the only thing i wqs waiting for.
And secondly i am always excited because i know the amazing things IOI can indeed do.

It was a Spring in 2022 !!



I thought I turned handlers off…


In the year 2525,
If man is still alive,
If woman can survive,
They may find…

That Freelancer still hasn’t been released yet.

In the Year 2525 - Zager and Evans


I’m not really bothered about this new delay, I was already sure freelancer would be delayed for the next year, so I ‘m not even surprised.
But this time we have, for the first time, a proper date (26 January), instead of a generic spring/autumn 2022, and so i’ m trying to be optimistic for the first time.

In the meantime, I don’t think too much about that, I can calmy waiting.

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That is one of the positives of this latest news; an actual date helps cement its likelihood of being released then even more. If another delay should happen, since they’ve already pinpointed an exact time, we’d probably only be looking at another week or two.

Didn’t intend to cause confusion on this, and didn’t anticipate any from the wording - but I can see it now after the discussion. Let me try and tidy it up.

It will be a Closed Technical Test, with no option to ‘sign up’ or ‘apply’. We wanted to set expectations early, which is why we chose to mention it would be Steam only and called it a “Closed Technical Test”. It was just “Technical Test” for a while, but we went the extra step to add clarity there.

The intention behind the “how to get access” is (hopefully) a bit clearer when you look at it in context, with original formatting. I wanted to get across that October 27th is when you’ll get every piece of information you need about the CTT. You shouldn’t be left with any questions.


Good decision. I can understand impatience if you’re looking forward to something, but let’s be honest: There is enough entertainment out there to get you through the next few months and a polished product is always better than a too early released one.

Thanks for putting quality first, iO!


Personally, I’d rather receive a product with room for improvement and be impressed as it improves than wait for it for an extended period, but I’m in the minority.


i think getting my head around the character creator on pathfinder wrath of the righteous should easily take me to january.


I have changed my opinion slightly:
It a depends on what we get in the rest of year 2?, will they add anything bew what hasn’t been leaked already or confirmed by IOI?

My speculation is that we might get some kind of new Halloween bonus mission (as in mission, not escalation), much akin to the style of Berlin’s Easter escalation. Where this would be and what it would be like is any bodies guess, however my shot in the dark would be that it would take some themes and concepts from the meat kings last party in contracts, as people are really nostalgic for that mission (and it’s one of the few missions we haven’t had any major callbacks to in the trilogy).

There’s also been speculation that we might get a snowy map due to the ether pamphlet on Ambrose island. If this is hinting at a new map, such a map would be related to ether and be high tech (with a possible return of Hokkaido’s door mechanic and perhaps a few other new things, I wouldn’t be surprised if there were automated turrets in this map as a kind of testing of concept for Project 007).

Obviously game of the year edition / upgrade is going to to have some stuff in it too, probably some stuff akin to the deluxe escalations or pre-order bonuses.

freelancer is going to be a massive content drop, but I wouldn’t be surprised if IO has a lot more stuff in the pipeline to bring players back to the game in preparation for the release.


Admiring to see people around who still have this much optimism/hope left. I wish everyone could think like you chap


You know, everyone keeps mentioning a GOTY thing that’s coming, and I don’t remember seeing that mentioned anywhere. Is that actually happening, and where was it said?


It’s an assumption, it’s never been officially announced or hinted at. And it’s a weird assumption because Hitman 2 never got a GOTY edition. Only Hitman 2016.


I’m not expecting or hoping for any Year 3 announcement, since I think we’ve had a substantial 2 years of new content so far, with the second one being full of free stuff, ending it with a big, open-ended, randomized mode that should keep me coming back for a long time.

But if there is something in the works for a Year 3, I’d be very open to it, and I’d be very open to spend a little bit more cash on it too, to support that endeavour and the fairly solid content we’ve received so far. Especially if it’s something like a snowy map :smile: