Game News Thread

That’s pretty shitty for them to get such hate, being compared to “being bigots” just for livestreaming the game (even worse that people willingly subbed just to continue further) yikes.
Girlfriend Reviews is good people

Ugh, I got thoughts about the whole background of this IP and this game nowadays but I don’t want to derail this thread with it, so I’ll do that elsewhere…
(That damn royalties tweet…)


I mean yeah, that is why one of the reasons I didn’t buy the game was more a display of where my loyalties lie in addition to not like Harry Potter and the game being middling. A lot of people knew they wouldn’t make a dent fiscally and saw it more as a moral obligation to boycott it.

You shouldn’t be harassed for playing it unless you are a cunt who bought the game solely because you thought you were owning the libs or are playing it and giving it to a TERF charity. That being said I think I can also raise concerns over the nature of a product I find objectionable.

Furthermore I was appalled to se Shelby being harassed over The Last of Us Part II by the crazy Gamergate burnouts and I absolutely condone the harassment she received yesterday especially since she was harangued by people who should both know better and continuously say they are above that sort of capital G Gamer behaviour.

At the same time I also am able to recognise that there were a lot of people who found the GF Reviews stream objectionable and there are those who were able to express why in a mature way elsewhere. They were hosting what was essentially a promotional stream for the game while also raising money for a pro-trans charity. I can see how that can come across as either a feeble attempt at mollifying the damage you do promoting the game or even insincere neither of which I believe are true in GF Reviews case, I simply believe they had good intentions but intentions aren’t enough. Especially since a lot of people also raised the point that if they wanted to raise money for the Trevor Foundation they could have played another game with magic in it.


There is a moral here and I think it has something to do with Harry Potter being for the mediocre mind and that true intellectual champions get their kids hooked on Discworld instead.


Whilst I’ve got no intention of ever buying Hogwarts Legacy, it’s honestly been hilarious to watch all the transphobes brag about how they’ve bought the super deluxe edition, only to throw a tantrum when they encounter the token trans character :joy:


Lol that sounds hilarious

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Everyone go play Ghost Trick when it comes back out this summer it’s really good


Perfect timing after finishing the game :grin:


Jake Solomon is leaving Firaxis, which is bad news for all us XCOM fans whichever way you slice it. :cry:


spot on. tbh i feel anytime any game or piece of media add things that are liberal are always out for money. none of it is genuine and is easy to sell to people who are of that belief because they keep feeding the machine they hate. however this is a more interesting case. this isn’t to say all democrats are stupid but to say that people who are on the left need to see things more complexly or they’re going to be constantly milked by people who want nothing but their money. same goes for people on the right who need to see a more well refined system instead of a minarchist libertarian scam. aaaaaaaaaand i’ve just opened a can of worms. sorry in advance.

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for fear of getting into A Thing, im confused as to what this has got to do with jk rowling being a terf?


what i’m mostly talking about is how big companies make a killing off of liberal beliefs. when really they don’t care about the following of them. some do believe them and some don’t. in the end it is all a money making machine. with JK i have no knowledge on her situation or what she did. was just pointing out how it is easy to claim liberal beliefs for the sake of money or to throw in a stereotypical minority character.

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not that this is untrue (and not that it has anything to do with the topic at hand anyway) but conservatives conflate “going woke for money” (eg. queerbaiting) with “having one minority character” far too often for it to be a reasonable criticism anymore


okay, big companies will say anything to make some bucks. this isn’t news.

it also doesn’t make any sense to bring this up in the context of this ongoing conversation, especially given the conversation is centred around jk rowling’s illiberal transphobia.


point is people buy the game she gets rich they hate her but are willing to give her royalties. overall people who dislike only are shooting themselves in the foot.


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@Quinn this. and what @Spods posted.

I dunno man I still have no idea how it’s shooting yourself in the foot to both dislike her beliefs and not play the game.


Also you’re using Liberal/Democrats/The Left as some singular interchangable entity which makes very little sense (and has nothing to do with JK Rowling’s history of transphobic comments)


Also let’s not act like “People on The Right” don’t do this. Transphobic people mass bought the Hogwarts computer game to “Own the Transgenders” or whatever.


your point seems to have mainly been to have a dig at “the libs” for buying products from companies using “liberal” talking points as usps, which was irrelevant.