General News 1.0

The whole situation is a failure on report from multiple parties (and here, me). I just saw a memo saying that the whole things was so misunderstood that the abolishment of the morality police was just not happening. So, to try and untangle it.

(Hichkas I understand that this is what you are saying, tell me if I have anything wrong)

The official events are :

  • Mohammad Kafar Montazeri, the Attorney General was asked by a journalist to comment on the reduced amount of patrol by the morality police in the last few months
  • he then answered that the “morality police have nothing to do with the judiciary”
  • he meant that this question was not his to answer
  • it was seen by western media as a rejection of the morality police
  • as you said Hichkas : the laws are still in effect (and can be prosecuted)

So :

  • the laws are still here (that was never in question, outside of some outlets)
  • the morality police is not abolished (but the attorney general did evade them as a topic of discussion)
  • they are on the down low currently

The official line of the Iranian government (translated) :

The maximum impression that can be taken from the words of Hojjat al-Islam Montazeri is that the guidance patrol has not been related to the judiciary since its establishment; As the Attorney General has emphasized: the judicial branch will continue its monitoring of behavioral reactions at the community level

Yesterday, the reporting of the quote (as given by AFP, via ISNA) was :

"Morality police have nothing to do with the judiciary and have been abolished"

ISNA is the Iranian Students’ News Agency.


It does not. Morality police is a division of the regular law enforcement police (NAJA).
The chain of command would be:

Morality police => NAJA => Armed Forces => Supreme Leader

NAJA is partly supervised by the ministry of interior, The armed forces work alongside the ministry of defense.

So in no part does the judiciary intervene in the chain, it’s all bent to the government (and the leader, the defense and the interior ministers are chosen by the supreme leader directly)

Quote from ISNA:

منتظری در پاسخ به سوال یکی از حاضران مبنی بر اینکه چرا گشت ارشاد تعطیل شد، اظهار داشت: گشت ارشاد ربطی به قوه قضائیه ندارد و از همان جایی که در گذشته تاسیس شد از همانجا نیز تعطیل گردید

“Montazeri, answering the question of one of the attendants regarding the reasons behind morality police (gasht-e-ershaad)'s closure, stated: MP has nothing to do with the judiciary and was closed from (by) the same place (organ) it was established by.”

Same shit, different names.

Hmm this sounds awfully familiar…

Ceres is still open though, and it still pours a full glass of booze and calls it one drink :joy:


…and no one in Indonesia ever had premarital sex again. The end.


It appears the law applies to the entirety of Indonesia. Bali is the only part of the country that isn’t Muslim majority (it’s Hindu) and often Bali is treated totally differently. For example gun ownership is legal in Indonesia and the police do carry weapons, but in Bali it is not possible to own a firearm despite there being no law saying you can’t and the police there carry only batons except for the special (narcotics) police. It’ll be interesting to see if enforcement of this new law is wholly ignored on that island. Either it will be or a ton of Aussie tourists will be going to gaol.

It’s a shame such a law is now in place. That’s moving backwards in my opinion, even if in this one case I’m curious how it will work.


Abolish the House of Lords. Life Peerages are immoral and shit like this proves it.


You prefer having only the hereditary peers then?


Abolish the lot imo


“…in the third stage, the bank account of the person who unveiled may be blocked.”


on one hand, i completely agree. on another, i can’t deny that they’ve stopped a fair number of absolutely batshit bills passing into law. we need something that offers similar oversight without the lord shit. house of peeps or summink.

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Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

all roads lead to munich, my friend.

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A senate!!! It can just as messed up as ours :joy:
At least they would be voted in by the people though.

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Twenty-five people including a 71-year-old German aristocrat, a retired military commander and former MP for the far-right Alternative für Deutschland (AfD) have been detained in Germany on suspicion of a terrorist plan to overthrow the state and re-negotiate the country’s post-second world war settlement.

Federal prosecutors said 3,000 officers conducted searches at 130 sites in 11 of Germany’s 16 states against the group, whose members it said adhered to a “conglomerate of conspiracy theories” including the QAnon cult and the so-called Reich Citizens movement.




Putin talking about the rising risk of nuclear war: