General News 1.0

But take into consideration, those he’s knocked off are not exactly candidates for sainthood themselves. So long as scumbags are getting what they deserve and they’re getting paid for it, I don’t think they’d mind charging Putin to pay through the nose for it, especially since it just (hopefully) speeds him along the road to isolation and making him more vulnerable to being stopped.

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Hope this is at least a good thing.

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Situation in Greece continues to develop.

The train accident in Greece death toll is now at 57.

A national strike has been called for. Rail worker already striked Thursday, to denounce the “lack of respect towards Greece’s rail network by successive governments over the years, which led to this tragic result”.

Government announced an inquiry on the “chronic delays in implementing railway works – delays caused by chronic public sector malaise and decades of failure”.
Human error is still put in front.

The station master that was arrested has been charged for negligent homicide. He recognised partial responsibility. He was on the job for less than 40 days.

The prime minister visited the site of the accident.
Greek legislative election are to be held this spring, and from them design the government / prime minister. Legally thay are to be held before July, they will certainly be held in April.


The man who alleges he was punched, a sound engineer identified only by his first name (Mark), spoke with KTTV after the alleged incident. He claimed that Scott had the volume up high enough to distort the venue’s sound system, at which point he says he tried to “tell him to lower it so it sounded good.” As Mark alleges, this initially spurred a middle finger response.

Sounds all to familiar lol. The amount of club shows I’ve worked where the DJ has been redlining on their mixer before it even gets to the FOH system is ridiculous. Unsurprised that Travis Scott is no different from your average Friday night hobbyist in that regard!

Also, you’re not supposed to ACTUALLY hit the sound engineer. You’re just supposed to think about it. Poor form


Next up: Rounding up anyone who wears glasses.


Even this evil bitch is speaking out against the bill, probably so Trump could get the nomination in 2024.


Trans people are magic, though. They’ve magically made Republicans care about women’s sports.

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No shit


“I did nothing right.”

There, fixed it for her.

Only because Loomer is a pro-Trump proponent if I recall which makes it in her best interest to be anti-DeSantis,


Anything those two fucksticks and their dickless followers can do to mutilate each other in the eyes of independent voters is fine in my book.

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If anyone remembers in June EU lawmakers backed a ban on fossil-fuel cars for 2035.
(link to the news as posted here)

The law was to be voted this week, but Germany signalled that they are not supporting the proposed rules. They were joined by Italy.
One of the issue raised is about the use of synthetic fuel.

The vote is now up to question, and does not have a new date scheduled. Blocking the process this late is highly unusual.

(this is a link to reuters from a few days ago, a better and more up to date article can be found at the FT if anyone wants to see, but is behind a paywall/subscription)


Ah yes the two nations that just so happen to be the EU’s biggest automotive manufacturers. Manufacturers who just so happen to make some of the most fuel intensive forms of car on the planet. Truly their objections are all on the level and not them trying to stop legislation that will impact them.




I’m no political strategist, but is endorsing the assholes who took shits in the Capitol and smashed a guard’s face in with a fire extinguisher really the best idea in preparation for his 2024 run?


It’s not quite wolves, but it’ll do.

Shame, if it weren’t for the sex trafficking, Tate could have had a promising career playing henchmen in Liam Neeson movies.

EDIT: Don’t smoke, kids.


Apparently from what I’ve read its unlikely that Tate actually has cancer, although his managers have said he has cancer an examination from a Romanian physician says that there are no signs of cancer. Tate has a primary care physician in Dubai that he’s trying to get shipped out to for “treatment”.

It seems to be more of an attempt by him and his collaborators to try to get him shipped out to Dubai (which doesn’t have an extradition treaty with Romania) and thus avoid punishment for his actions. However, Romania isn’t buying it and currently has no such plans to ship him anywhere, much less somewhere without an extradition treaty.


Could his story involve some locations that don’t feature heavily in Hitman for once?


So we can all agree that they want Florida to be a fascist state, right?


For a state that literally looks like a penis, they sure are insecure in their sexual identities down there.