General News 1.0

Bahahahahaha, okay on the one hand, it’s hilarious that this was sparked (pun intended) by vaping, but on the other hand, Bean sure does seem like a pompous prick in general, innit?

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Can you blame the guy, he was Emperor of Tamriel once. Times have been though for him :grin:

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The majority of celebrities are, especially as they get older, just like the rest of the huddled masses. Its why I don’t get it when people react like everything they’ve believed has been shattered when they learn disreputable things about their favorite celebrities, because they shouldn’t have put any of these people on pedestals in the first place. Idolize their art; don’t idolize them. They are still people, and there has never been a more problematic force on earth than people.

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I wonder why there was 33 extra photos of this queen…


“The Farage Barrager is an OnlyFans model. Isn’t that so perverse and degenerate?” “Here is 33 plus photos of her degenerate, leftist Corbynite OnlyFans for you to enjoy for free.” I expect no less from The Heil

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You wanna know how I got these scars?

Man, they really chose the ugliest possible photos of him for these articles.


These are some of the most British photos I’ve seen. I don’t normally say that, but you can just feel it weirdly enough.


But more seriously I think pretty much every conservative politician in a country with any freedom of expression always ends up with the worst photos - sadly Farage is mediocre even in this and failed to top Australian politician Peter Dutton (who hates this photo and it being shared on the Internet)


For those of you overseas wondering, he just naturally looks like that evil. Orwell once said you get the face you deserve at 50 and boy howdy he wasn’t lying.


The thing is, if those are the photos they decided to go with, they were probably his prettiest.

Nigel does many things, most of them poorly, but he has, hands down, the most British teeth imaginable.

What does that even mean, though? British teeth? If it’s implying that they’re bad, misaligned, multi-colored and such, I’ll tell you, I’m related to actual hillbillies, and I’ve seen some things; British teeth ain’t nothing.



I know it’s only for 4 months, but I don’t care how long it’s for, fuck this human scab. If it wasn’t for the fact that our money would go to pay him for use of his image, I’d nominate him as our next cameo Elusive Target.


In shocking news, Elon Musk might be kind of a cunt.


In other news, Donald Trump might not necessarily be entirely trustworthy.

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I believe the main distinction is that while crooked/stained teeth are the normal elsewhere, Britain’s elite have also resisted - possibly because the NHS system means cosmetic dental work isn’t as widespread or possibly because they think imperfections add character.

In any case, it creates a double jeopardy situation with the current PM - because it means his perfect teeth give him an unsettling look to those familiar with what “elite” looks like in the Commonwealth, but you can’t say that because he has a different visual trait people will assume you’re referring to if you say “there’s something wrong about his appearance…”

Truly the British are living in unsettling times.


Huh, sounds like the comment Epic Lloyd said as Trump in the Trump vs Biden ERB: “The only white privilege I see are those teeth,” implying Biden’s teeth are too white and perfect to be from the sector of the working-class.

It is just a stereotype that the Brits have bad teeth, I don’t really know why but it is one. I think it is like down here in Australia and their health service don’t cover dental work so a lot of people have shocking teeth because they don’t have the money for it. Same with the hillbillies as well, they are too poor to make the expense necessary for cosmetic dental work.

I think Freddie Mercury once replied to “are you gonna fix the gap in your teeth?” with “no, I am Brittish!” :rofl:

maybe it was just his character in the film, but it’s spot on either way

Years later Matty Healy, another English singer, would write “and she says I gotta fix my teeth, she so American, she’s American.”