Give Newcomers 'n novices a change to play Hitman!

Would you also demand they change the rules of chess to fit your level? Or expect online players to stand still so you can hit them?

I’m all for accessibility in games but you want to change the fundamental rules. If you were able to save and replay ETs indefinitely, they wouldn’t be “elusive” anymore. Is it exclusionary? Probably a little bit but then it’s lucky they’re not the main part of the game. It’s a live service game mode. I don’t particular enjoy that content either. I played a couple in 2016, don’t think I’ve gotten an SA rank. Same with Freelancer. It’s a cool mode for people who have exhausted the main missions and want more/something different. I’m not that demographic and that’s totally fine.

Again, if you must play them, you absolutely can. It’s not illegal to use a step by step guide on YouTube or force quit the game and have another try if something goes wrong. Wish you luck, you’ve got this.


Doesn’t WoA already have a casual mode? How much easier does the game need to be? As for saving, you can already save whenever you want during gameplay. Not to mention, all of us were newcomers 'n novices when we played these games for the first time and we managed just fine, learning the levels and game mechanics by experimenting and just exploring the levels and watching the NPCs and their set routines.


Evil-Doer: Of course, WOA has a casual mode (as you know this). Easy to one expert for the special missions is a bridge-too-far for those not-so-techniqued at the skill levels. Does that mean leaving out the not-so-skilled is a good thing? Sure, we can play - to the end that stops the enthusiasm of those who want/wish to play and must be curtailed by a game that leaves a safety net out for those who cannot get to first base. Those defending the ADVANCED players only are focused more on their own achievements and ability to get past it. Hopefully by the time one reaches 80 as myself, the
“tune will change” with understanding WHY those who are latecomers to game-playing feel this way. Otherwise being arrogant and calloused to the real facts - we novices have the frustration factor times 100. If one was a novice at age 10, isn’t that a bit different than those who experience as a novice near age 80? In denial of this is the crucial reason why this discussion is an issue. If one played hundreds of games (and became better in levels with the expense, no doubt), the situation changes. You’re thinking like one who is under the age of 40 - not 80. If one persists in that thinking the age 80 suffers as it becomes a case of ageism and game-geronticide - the killing of older players from being able to perform at the rate of that of under age 40. Forget this, and the wisdom to understand & achieved goes away rapidly at some point. I want to be able to play into my 80s while some are burned out by the time they reach the age of 50.

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If you’re playing on PC you could try asking in the modding thread if there’s a mod that adds saves to all game modes? As it is now, your pleas will mostly fall on deaf ears in this thread because aside from a couple of community managers none of the members of this forum work at IOI, so it’s not like we could add the saves you request even if we wanted to. We can’t do much aside from giving you advice on whatever things give you trouble in the game maybe?


Thank you, but I believe a forum would contain anybody that wishes to comment or discuss. That’s what I’m doing to bring light into the game flaws, Melusca. It matters not if anyone sides with me about the short-comings of a game that caters to the gaming-advanced-elite. The issue is that anyone who plays a game should be aware that there are some who long to play the missions which hamper those who has not attained expert status. It’s in the manner of good faith revealing that those like myself love the game. That’s said, we cannot play fully. I’m not here to be an expert. I’m here to bring awareness that we’re all in this together. To be excluded from any advancement because of the lack of vision to know about novices is to ignore that there is a problem by avoiding the inclusion that new/non-advanced are facing. WE all want to play the game. Why should I wait 15 years at age 78 to get better? The trouble is not any specific game, but all special missions without Saves. I too wish to play them with enjoyment and not feel like I’m getting nowhere after 50 tries at a mission. Most of us do not learn at the same time, speed or skill. That is where we differ. And, my time is limited and I can speak I believe for all who are not game-specialists. I admire the skill but like a handicapped person, at this time, I/we new players need that crutch to get by.

But there are saved game modes. Play the main story line. Play Sarajevo Six. Plenty of content for you to learn.

It’s not my ignorance, it’s your laziness that stops you. Not trying to be rude here but as i reiterate, play the saved games portions and get better with those modes then you can jump into other modes that don’t have save game options.

That’s how many of us learned.


So, you believe I’m lazy?? I hope not to return the rudeness, 47. It’s NOT about getting better, it’s about being able to advance at all in those games. I didn’t start my learning at age 8. I started at age 76. If understanding is not one’s forte, perhaps it might take both patience 'n a “step in one’s shoes” moment. It’s a lot easier to look into the room through a window. Step inside and take the role of those who are less fortunate in skill and gaming can bring a revelation to one’s thinking - much like taking a “role play” in real life. I’ve played the games that have saves, but in that vision, I’ve failed many dozens of times attempting highly-skilled games without saves. It’s not lazy to try but to adopt miserable defeat on a regular, countless times is unbearable. When one WANTS to play a game and cannot due to those limitations, it’s not laziness, it’s incapability. Some do not need crutches when lame, just drag the feet. When one has no feet (disability), it’s a bit harder (expert game-playing) and crutches (Saves) are mandated. For some, again, it’s not about trying, not about learning, it’s about ability. If I have difficulty after 2 yrs. of playing Hitman while playing in Casual Player mode, I can’t see playing in Special Missions mode/advanced mode, but see NO hope forward without Saves. Again, it doesn’t mean I don’t WANT to play, it’s about not being able to and what I’ve outlined is the key to novice success even if ONE never gets to an expert level.

I once tried playing the Ghostrunner demo. It reminded me of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, which is game I love and I feel I’m pretty good at. So, I thought Ghostrunner would be a fun game to play too, and I thought I’d be good at it… Turns out I actually sucked. So, I uninstalled it with zero regrets. Nobody was forcing me to play a game I didn’t have fun playing. It just wasn’t meant to be, and I was fine with that. I never even felt compelled to go to the Ghostrunner forums and demand they cater to my inability to play the game.

Now. If only…


No Problem. It’s your choice to play or not and you made the right decision for yourself. :slight_smile: No one was twisting your arm. You made a freedom of choice decision and I will make mine. Enjoy the day off.

As they say, a picture is worth a thousand words:

In my humble opinion, there is already a significant portion of the game aimed at casual gamers such as yourself and offers the ability to save. The rest of the content is aimed expressly at more dedicated players and not having the ability to save creates both the incentive to “git gud” and the satisfaction from overcoming the difficulty curve.


Agree with lots of comments in this thread highlighting that regular story missions allow saving and also use other methods such as Mission Story guidance to feel more accessible to new players.

However, I do also want to commend @Jerry_Montalbano for picking up a new game at the age of 76 and persevering with it for 2 years despite the challenges it poses. That’s really cool!

I think there is also something interesting to be said here about the limited-time nature of Elusive Targets. It’s all very well people telling Jerry to play the main story missions to ‘git gud’ before tackling the trickier game modes which don’t allow saving. But, in the case of Elusive Targets, that doesn’t feel like a realistic suggestion due to the constant reminders that YOU’RE MISSING OUT. PLAY NOW BEFORE THE TIME RUNS OUT! THIS TARGET IS ONLY AROUND FOR A FEW MORE DAYS!

Just another example of how ‘fear of missing out’ design can be toxic and, in this case, off-putting to newer players who don’t feel equipped to jump right into them.


This is the issue right here. Unfortunately video games take time/money/resources so for them to make it accessible to a very small amount of people that learn video games as a whole at an age for people that most can count on both their hands, it’s probably why there isn’t something easier than casual mode or adding a bunch of save options to many other modes which contradicts their vision.

So, it’s intent is to serve the skillful. Doesn’t sound a lot like wanting anyone less skilled to be able to play and find enjoyment in a game in design to help only them. No one gives a hoot, but it appears expert-biased. There’s no incentive to playing a game 50 times…never giving my class an opportunity to excel in satisfaction. What shortcomings to a game designer/producer to think as such.

If you’re playing the Campaign, like others have pointed out, play it on Casual until you become used to the gameplay etc. I advise you to avoid Freelancer and Elusive Targets until you’re comfortable around the gameplay because there is no save option in these two modes. Contracts mode is another mode were you can’t save, however, you can instantly start over again by replying that Contract if you fail.

Well, I must commend you, Squirrel for not acting like one. <just kiddin’>… Oh, btw, I’m age 78 and Yes, … I want to play a game but am hindered by the fact that some think like the manufacturer, IOI. It’s been 2 years, and although I’ve had saves in the lower, original games that had such a safety net for me/we novices, if it weren’t for the Casual Player Save feature, my a$$ would be toast. Playing dozens of times of the games that have the feature does not improve my chances of abandoning that piece of refuge to me/we newbies. That’s because in my case, I have to kill the bad guys, then hide and save. No skill factor towards advancement is attained. Yet, I love the game (one might say I’m “overly addicted”), but some of we who are less proficient absolutely must have it if we are to move to up-2-date special missions that “appear” (because we can see, but can’t attain satisfaction) to be very fun to play but find the “door shuts” increasing the dissatisfaction and frustration. Thanks to those who are of the understanding - and not of the cockiness persuasion. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the words of encouragement of how to proceed. However, I must say that I WANT to be able to play the Freelancer 'n Elusive targets/Contracts. Really. Comfortable? No. I never attain that status, Lewis. I understand the “no saves” in those playables. It’s the absence of saves that I argue against. If a save was permitted, I too would stand a chance towards achieving a win in the game. How would any of the players here feel, if they try 50 times never getting anywhere? Is it a good feeling? Does it satisfy? Does it leave one with a “what a biTcH” attitude and throw their mouse at the monitor? When it NEVER fulfills, never attains, never satisfies, never completes - is it worthwhile? That’s the point. Completion for ALL and not for the gifted. Why leave me out when all I pray for is a chance, … a simple thing like the rest of the games giving “skill levels” for all.

47, if IOI can make all those games with Saves, it makes feasible sense moneywise for them to program with a simple save feature. When all can play (as in the original assassination games with saves), all can buy. It’s like buying a house with a spouse, but because she can keep it clean and do it speedily, she’s allowed to stay inside and enjoy watching TV - the other half can look through the window in frustration, because he is incapable of cleaning and occupying a home. Probably not a good analogy, but that’s how I feel - “on the outside looking in” with games that disallow. Possibly why more older folks aren’t as numerable - simply because the chances frustrate enough to disassociate and leave them without consideration. Almost like a 10-40 year old with teeth and an 80 yr old with severe dental issues and both have ordered a tough steak that looks fantastic.


I typically play games carefully… That is to say, with a large degree of care. Then there are the rare times I care less and will play more recklessly. I’ve found that in these moments I tend to learn something I likely never would’ve had I only played “carefully”. I suppose my point is that sometimes you can find out new things when you throw caution to the wind. It’s essentially experimenting.

Obviously, this is done in a non-volatile environment where consequences aren’t permanent.

When it comes to the more volatile environments (or when no saves are allowed)… Such as Elusive Targets, or in a Showdown in Freelancer… With ETs, I tend to always have a plan when going in. This, of course, requires knowledge of the mission. You can go in, try non-permanent actions, or do a test run in the normal mission with similar objectives you can place on yourself. If you’re practicing an ET, be sure you don’t do anything that will complete an objective. Because once you do you will no longer be able to restart.

If you do mess up and can’t restart… You can either live with it and complete the mission as best you can, or go ahead and face the consequences and fail the mission (forever). OR, you could also disconnect your internet connection since Hitman requires you to be online. You’ll then have the option to return to the main menu. After this, you can reconnect your internet/wifi to your system/computer. The ET should still be there for you to retry.

Yes. It’s essentially cheating, but we all do what we feel needs to be done once in a while. Especially when anything unfair happens such as a game-bug, or control issue… Accidents happen and that shouldn’t be a reason we fail at what we’re being given one chance to complete.

Shifting gears a bit here… When you talk about your lack of proficiency or your inability to do… whatever. Are there any specific examples you could give? I know you mentioned the lack of saves for some of the other modes that (in your opinion) require a higher degree of “skill” or knowledge of the game.

I could probably guess, but at the same time, I don’t want to put words into your mouth that aren’t truly accurate to your situation. Like, was there a point where you felt like the game crossed a line that ultimately inspired you to come here and make this topic? Things like…

  • Control issues
  • Lack of game knowledge, such as level layout, NPC routines and actions, game rules, etc.
  • Not enough time to play (I have this issue myself sometimes and have to force quit so I can pick it up again later)

Or something else I didn’t mention… Sorry if you have already said it and I missed it.

Tetra, it’s more simple than what’s laid out. Basically, confrontation at any level. The entire gist of Hitman is of course, incognito/undetected/covertness. A major mission must depend upon Hitman not being seen, heard, or detected. Immediately games don’t don’t allow this process: …Hit, run, hide enough when confronted. One, a closet/trunk is not always available and when chased - it’s death time and start over. When a save is incorporated into the game, one has “an option”. When all options are either not available/exhausted, it starts back at the beginning - over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. After dozens of time, the fun dries up for those not skilled. How can one be skilled when the “chance” to win is torn away like a lion’s rip. It’s not about ANY specific point but more to the ALL points in play. Oh, Hitman can jump in a trunk. But, seen entering/chased 'n detected by anyone and the game closes down like it’s 5PM’s quitting time. THAT is where the game crosses the line for we who want 'n try but fail always to that end. Oh, there are still bugs within as I get thrown out on occasion or a freeze up. However, that pales in comparison to being without my safety net to continue successfully, sometimes within minutes of operation. Lastly (but not forever in my quest), a weapon. There are times when an only inventory/weapon is a camera or such. If given the opportunity to win with a few weapons, the chances for survival increases.IOI won’t listen to my petition/supplication any more that I have been able to get folks to listen to the point of understanding. If I can use an analogy, let me say that to me, it’s a small boy on a sandlot football game, who wants to play with his neighboring “friends”. If he’s lucky he can play (even if picked lastly). During the game, he runs out for a pass or handoff (which never comes his way). He’s ignored constantly because he’s not so well-skilled in the game and can’t become advanced because his skill level doesn’t allow him to get better, but he tries and tries repeatedly. The others get to play making touchdowns, but he never knows the success because he’s discounted as a player. To make matters worse, he could have a deformity in his leg or arm (perhaps age) which makes it difficult (not skillful/athletic enough). He’s frustrated over all this and perhaps the other cocky stiffs want him to fail - to just go away and quit 'n not return next playground game. So, the kid never gets proficient, advanced - but discouraged. Finally, the mental aspect of the football game. “Game smart” does play a factor especially after playing that game hundreds of times. Then, the experience factor is in play. Is the kid stupid? (I think not). Is he a pain in the a$$ (you bet, to those who are “Clique-wise” to ignore, ridicule (…“Go away kid, you bother me!”). Don’t we wish for any gamer (example or not) to want success for all and just not someone in their “party”? Sure we do.

I don’t quite understand your line of reasoning.

Nobody was born with the innate ability to play the game like a pro. It comes with time and practice.

Encountering hardship and challenge in games is how you develop skill and ultimately get that hit of dopamine when you overcome it.

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