Give Newcomers 'n novices a change to play Hitman!

One does not need “resonin’” if given an opportunity. If you were not adapt at winning games for your 35 years in existence, it would be a monumental task. Likewise, since I’m not 80, I don’t stand a chance at excelling. How many 80 yr olds do you know that could play as good as you and would encounter no hardship, no skill and that dope you refer to. :slight_smile: Since some, like myself, never overcomes Hitman without a concept like “saves”, I’d say I’m well off to just remaining in subsistence mode. Much like the “cycle of poverty” that some of you learn when educated, I’m in a cycle of “gamin’ dispair” brought on by opportunity of advancing. Ever hear of it? If I were 8 and had another 72 yrs. to go, it may or many not happen. Does anyone notice that technical learning is better understood at an earlier age than in the last stage of death? Since we all reach our peak at about age 25, I’d say I’m at a disadvantage in most ways of intellectual gains and knowledge through many years of experience. Those here who do not yet understand has never been at that age in which they have time to gain the experience. Oh, alas, how easy it is to chastise, ridicule and “play” those who are less fortunate in these attributes. Those who mock the less fortunate do so at the expense of those who are the target. I tried hard many times. Yet, when a player is asking for a hand up, he sometimes gets the foot down, taunt-wise. I’m yet to understand how some use the “bully pulpit” to do just that to the “gaming disadvantaged”. I suppose me carrying the weight of ADHD and PTSD does not help. As an example only, the marines have a motto, “No man left behind”. Likewise in a virtual sense, it should be that way in gaming - especially at the top at IOI. I suppose being from Copenhagen leaves out the concept of American ideals such as this - by dragging the wounded marine (gamer, in this example) across to SAVEty. I simply want the chance to succeed and I don’t have the time to attain such a goal.

Just out of curiosity… The current Hitman game, IMO, seems geared more towards a more niche market/demographic. Definitely not a “normie” game (regardless of the claimed 75 million players). I’ll assume you’re likely retired, and perhaps gaming is a way for you to pass some of your time.

So now. My question. What are some other games you enjoy playing that better fit the design model you prefer where Hitman doesn’t?

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Exactly, Tetra. And, that’s my point. Retired, I’m but one foot out the grave near 80. Hitman and Max Payne only and takes up 3/4 of my time. The rest is eating, sleeping, and news. …I tried other games, but most are not key-programmerable. I have to use the Left Hand E, A, F, C - D and Q approach. the right hand is the mouse. And, that’s another drawback for me: co-ordination. Very awkward to think at my age and chew gum at the same time .:slight_smile: I’m not interested in mostly all other games (and I tried simply because I had to go with their funky A,S,D.W.E which confuses the old brain. At least I stand a chance with games in this mold that allow me and aren’t too-fast-action that focus is almost impossible. I refuse to sit in a rocker and play solitaire and bingo. :slight_smile:

Ah yes, Denmark, the socialist welfare state that ranks high in quality of life and happiness is notoriously known for leaving people behind. You must be joking.

No on here is chastising, ridiculing or mocking you? We have explained to you how the game works and given you advice on how to play. It’s your choice to ignore all that and continue with silly demands. This is going nowhere.

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Have you tried playing with a controller? Even though Hitman has shooting elements I find it easier to play with a gamepad instead of keyboard controls (I’m playing on PC).


This is something you wrote yesterday which jumps out to me. It sounds like you’re playing the game as an action/shooter rather than a stealth game.

The gameplay loop you describe - of shooting a target, running away from the alerted guards, and hiding until they stop hunting you - is not really the optimal way to play Hitman.

Combat in Hitman is unforgiving. The guards have decent aim, 47’s health is much lower than it would be in a ‘Call of Duty’ style shooter, and all of this is designed to discourage players from getting into combat too often. Hitman is about stealth. It’s about taking out your target without the guards noticing.

That might sound more challenging than a run-and-gun approach, but once you get more comfortable with the core stealth mechanics, it actually makes things easier.

Hitman isn’t actually a game which requires fast reflexes and well-honed mechanical skills. Often, the slow-and-steady approach will win the race.


Pi$$y: Ah, so socialism/marxism/communism: Now, you bring up politics. I won’t engage here. It speaks for itself. Goodbye.

No, I’ve never used a modern controller outside of Atari when I was young. I found it awkward when it came out and find it even more so at this stage in my life. I’ve been a keyboardsman all my life since the early '60s. I’m proficient with touch-typing Querty. So, that’s out, but thanks for the suggestion.

Squirrel: I understand the concept of covert/stealth. I’m giving specific tools at times: silencer, camera, etc. I usually have to see if I can catch a guard, etc. unaware and “silence” him or neck-break him. I don’t know about action/shooter or stealth differences. I start from the game’s Casual and proceed from there. I suppose Hit’n’run at times is not a good thing, but yes, my reflexes, focus, and concentration are pretty awful most of the time, but it is what it is. If it’s that bad at Casual Play, I suppose I’ll never get to play the Expert choices or secret missions out there. Many of these games are out there and I’ve tried countless times - only to fail. And, being an impatient old man does not assist me in getting anywhere with them. At times, I feel like I’ll never get to finish one of them in my limited lifetime. PTSD 'n ADHD are playing its role constantly, but I play the games (Casually) to keep my brain in activity vs. dementia. Thanks for the assistence.

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If you’re on PC have you considered using mods to make the game easier for you?

It might be getting a bit technical, but I don’t know what else to suggest to help you that others haven’t already.

IOI are not going to change how the game works, but you can change how it works.

As an example, here are some that make Freelancer, Master Difficulty slightly easier.

There’s also The Peacock Project which is basically a custom server (i.e. not using IOI’s servers).

This might be the most helpful resource for you as it allows you to access content such as Elusive Targets at will, without their time-limited restriction. You are also able to SAVE during an ET mission.

There’s lots of information right here on the forum that I would be happy to direct you to or explain how to use mods if you need assistance (via PM).

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Thanks Dave. I know absolutely nothing about MODs, etc. The concept flies over my head. It sounds complex and needs to be tailored. Programming also is not my forte. It’s usually common sense and the design by IOI leaves out that portion. You’ve given examples. That can become chaos to the mind of one who is already confused in anything but simplicity. It is not the responsibility of the player to invent, create, modify, redesign or reverse-engineer. It is that and the duty of IOI to make certain that we all get to play a game. Games are entertainment, it is not the seriousness factor in comparison to rocket science, nuclear fission or the theory of Einstein’s relativity. To a specific grouping I belong to, the KI$$ factor comes into play. Again, “Gaming”. Yes, some are challenged in their approach and acceptance of complexity in games. It creates a “rush” sort of thing to beat it. But, in my sphere of things, we can’t be eliminated from gameplay with complexity. However, in the spirit of entertainment, I will take the time to review a couple of the videos since you took the time to find and reveal them. Life is chaos enough without making the gameplay as such. Thanks.

Well, Freelancer is aimed more at experienced players, so I don’t think a save feature is coming to the mode anytime soon. Ultimately, it defeats the point of the game mode if they bring in a save option.


Lewis, I don’t believe IOI listens to much feedback. I’ve tried for 2 yrs with inconsideration and having the issue addressed. It’s aim to to market 15-30 yr. olds - not do so for 80 yr olds. It’s a business decision, not a moral, practical, or consideration one. So, forever with Hitman, it’s “DO or DIE”. In this case, I’ll be dead in short measure at much age waiting for hope and relief. A game never HAS to defeat the game point. Think of all the playing folks who will have their grievances met/addressed? Everyone from novice to expert will be included in the game playing and isn’t gaming supposed to be fun? …that’s the real point.