<HCCE> Contract Creator Extended [Mod/Tool v1.7]

Help me…
I can’t extract the JSON of the contract, but the contract can be searched and there is no problem with the contract code.
The error shown above is that the incoming parameters are not serializable. What should I do?Please help me.

Please navigate to the Error folder (the parent dictionary is linked in the FIddler top bar menu for HCCE) and send it to me via a private message.

I’ve sent it. I rarely use this kind of forum, so I’m not very familiar with it. I hope you can understand it.

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@Urben haven’t installed Hcce and got help from @djsojus to make for pc. now i just need to understand what i need to do to get this contract on PS4.

just wondering what i need to download and what to do to get it to work since i ain’t no coder.

You see a text in djsojus’ message, like


copy all that and paste it in the “Contract input (json)” field in the editor.

Also, click on “Fill from IOI Account login” and log into your PSN account. Return to the editor and you should have all you need to hit “Publish”.

okay. and what are the things i need to download in order to get started?

If you don’t have it installed yet, see the very first post here, there is a step-by-step list for the Installation.

do i need to buy anything?

No, they just want some data from you but you can insert fake data.

what kind of data and fake data?

Click on “Try for free” and insert stuff into the fields, you get to the download it if you did that.

Please try to follow the instructions and ask if you can’t continue at some point.

okay on this menu now.

Sorry I won’t spoonfeed you, try around a bit, I mean it literally has a large “Download” button. :roll_eyes:


alright got it all downloaded and i just put in a random state for safety measures. i’m fine with admitting i’m from the USA but not what state. now all to do is download HCCE.

what’s this? @Urben hate to keep asking but should i be worried?

If you trust me you can download it.

Later when Fiddler is installed and you have to set the HTTPS setting, you will also be asked to allow a certificate to be set. That also looks kinda suspicious but is required for HCCE to work.

ah had to get it setup.

okay i’m in. just had to get it up first. i was slightly incomplete.

okay without a hitch this time Urben. @Urben okay got a question. where’s fiddler’s extension folder? trying to screenshot what folder i think it is but can’t.

It is either



\Program Files\Fiddler2\Scripts\

…whichever was created by the installation.