H2SA comes with 2 games. Hitman 2: Mass Murderer is a run ‘n gun first person shooter that you can play by just running and gunning in first person mode. It’s a truly incredible BLAST to play. Incredible ragdolls and unique fun fps mechanics. It’s always fun to play through the entire game treating it like DOOM, where you check the map and try to wipe out everyone with no stealth and no disguises, after you play through getting SA on all the missions.
This is also true for Contracts and Blood Money. The whole PS2-era trilogy. The animations, AI, weapons, map, physics, etc. actually all lend themselves super well to playing the games as full-blown fast-paced FSPs. It’s extremely fun and it’s a whole different experience. I highly recommend this if you haven’t tried it.
Personally, Contracts was always the one game in the series where I got that feeling, I think the feel of combat in that game was the best out of the first four games. The Dual Wielding mechanics simply feel smoother in Contracts than in the rest of the quadrilogy, gunfights feel just “right” in that game. When I was younger I used to do mass murder runs using the Dual Uzis/Silverballers/Golden Pistols and it was a lot of fun, the atmosphere of that game made gun fights cooler too.
H2:SA, I always thought NPCs were too quirky and alert-prone there so I never did mass murder runs in it. And in Blood Money I preferred the stealth gameplay to the combat one so I rarely did any mass murder runs in that game. C47 got frustrating cause there were no save points so I
just did the missions the “normal” way and called it a day.
One thing I always liked about H2:SA in comparison to the other games is the huge amount of levels the main campaign has, it’s like 21 levels compared to Contracts and BM both of which have 12-14 levels. So the phrase “H2:SA is really 2 games in 1” really takes on two meanings if you think about it. WoA would beat that number like 20 years later but until then H2:SA was king just in the size of the campaign alone.
Also WOA was sold as 3 games. I paid only once to get H2SA for my Ps2