Due to the way you’ve created the ET (there’s two “Eliminate Max Valliant” objectives - one for the start of the mission where he isn’t highlighted in instinct and the other for after the clone reveal when he is highlighted), when the clones are revealed the “no instinct” objective completes. However because Elusive Targets lock you into the mission after you start to complete objectives, this takes away the ability to restart/replan despite visually to the player, no objective has completed.
This then forces players to accept any errors made in their run before killing anyone (ie being spotted), or forces them to Alt+F4 and “cheat”.
DLC-themed weapons cabinet in “Freelancer Mode”
If “KRONSTADT EXPLOSIVE PEN (GEN2)” has not been purchased
The lock icon is turned sideways.
Other DLC items are displayed correctly.
Reproduction procedure:
play the Freelancer mode.
look at the new DLC weapon shelf in the safe house.
The lock icon for the “KRONSTADT EXPLOSIVE PEN (GEN2)” has fallen on its side.
”ICA Outstanding Service Coin”, available in freelancer mode, differs in appearance and silhouette in the lower right corner of the screen when equipped.
When zoomed in to view the item, it is inscribed with the letter ”II”, but the silhouette is inscribed with the letter ”I”.
I believe that the ”ICA Outstanding Service Coin” that was once available in HITMAN 2016 for defeating elusive targets should have been engraved with the letter ”I”, but according to the description of the ”ICA Outstanding Service Coin” in freelancer mode, ”HITMAN2’s Elusive Target” and the discrepancy in the description is also a cause for concern.
Would the ICA coins for HITMAN 2 ver. have been distributed as well?
Reproduction Procedure:
obtain the “ICA Outstanding Service Coin” in freelancer mode.
enlarge the “ICA Outstanding Service Coin”.
the coin is engraved with “II”, but the silhouette when equipped is engraved with “I”.
Another thing with this, it makes it also so that when you kill the original Jean-Claude, he never disappears from instinct, unlike the rest of the clones.
I experienced a bit of an anti-climactic ending to The Splitter when the Dismiss action popped up while I was near the gas canister in the shooting range. I assumed I would only dismiss the guard but an unfortunate combination of the dismiss action on the guard and the loosen action on the canister executing simultaneously along with bad timing right around when one of the clones fired their gun made me die unexpectedly.
What is with it with the flamingo and being invisible during the game’s lifespan? the flamingo shoes were the same way at the start of Hitman 3
@combatglue said on stream he gets told about bugs, then forgets about them until theyre told again to him. So keep at it and it’ll get fixed. I’m still hoping for the sawn off shotguns to be pickable as pistols. The bugs with some things keeping SA when it comes to kalmer and accidents on targets and some not is another one that annoys me
Platform: PC
Location: Safehouse
Description: When using Christmas Tree prop pack in Safehouse, a coin will appear on top of presents. In instinct, it appears that it can be picked up, but it actually can’t, because it’s behind the glass. PLEASE, IOI, make it so it can be picked up. If you don’t have an outstanding coin, or a normal one doesn’t spawn somewhere in nest, make it so this one will always appear.
Frequency: Always
Jasper Knight’s chess puzzle is bugged. The rook starts in the wrong position half-way clipped into the board, so you can’t see visually the state of the board to begin with. You do still have a 50% chance of getting it right by randomly picking one, but when you do get it right, Japser blurts out several voicelines on top of each other, none of which are the line he’s supposed to say.
I dont know if its been mentioned before.
But once you jump in, there is no getting out. You land under the floor of the trailer and cant get shot, stand or get out.
Description : I finished The Sloth Depletion but didn’t gain its rewards. The Slapdash SMG, the Lotophage Suit, and the Goldbrick Proximity Mine are not in my inventory. I have retried this level many times, but the problem persists.
They broke a bunch of old escalations like this years ago when they made the complications in the Arcade optional. They marked a whole bunch of ones as optional, some of which were never used in the Arcade, which are now reflected in the older escalations as well.
The robotic arm doesn’t produce a sound effect when you sneak attack someone with it. Occurred when playing through level 1 of the Undying arcade mission.