HITMAN 3 - Bug Report Thread

Platform: PC
Location: Berlin

This one particular door can’t be closed manually for some reason. You have to let it auto shut.



If you get an “ERROR STARTING CONTRACT” message while loading a mission in Freelancer, once you return to the menu and re-enter Freelancer mode - as long as you remain connected to the servers, you will be awarded double XP for every Freelancer mission you complete.


Once you complete a Showdown and return to the safehouse while still in an active campaign, the “objective” says “START A CAMPAIGN”, where as previously it would say “PICK A SYNDICATE TO CONTINUE THE CAMPAIGN”.

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Platform: PC
Location: Mumbai
This headband on elite guards clips with their peaked cap.
Frequency: Always

Location: Bangkok (Food Critic ET)
Target does not seem to have modeled back of his body.
Frequency: Always

Location: Miami
This part of steps does not count as trespassing

Frequency: Always
Location: Multiple
Back of this NPC’s suit clips quite noticeably
Frequency: Always

Location: Paris
Entering dressing room as sheikh will have guard ask you to go away, but area actually does not count as trespassing
Frequency: Always

Location: Bangkok (Source)
This NPC may float when sitting
Frequency: Sometimes

Location: All
Description: After detonating flash phone, NPC’s will go to that location and pick up invisible phone
Frequency: Always

Location: Mendoza
This NPC will clip through chair
Frequency: Always

Location: Colorado
Glasses on Chef outfit clip through rim
Frequency: Always

Location: Santa Fortuna and Isle of Sgáil
Raiders and Construction Worker’s NPC have filter applied to them that makes them sound like they are talking through gas mask
Frequency: Always

Location: Menu
The Purple Streak ICA19 Classic Baller seems to have typo in description as it use 4 instead of for.
Frequency: Always



Santa Fortuna - Three-Headed Seroent - Mission Stories Submerged

When Rico comes to the submarine in “Mission Stories Submerged”, simply walk up to the fence by the Control Panel and it will go “SUSPICIOUS”.
This phenomenon seems to occur only when disguised in “submarine engineer” clothing.
This is an unreasonable glitch.

Reproduction procedure:

  1. proceed with “Mission Stories Submerged” and wait for Rico to come near the submarine.
  2. When Rico talks to you, walk up to the fence by the control panel.
  3. For some reason, the “SUSPICIOUS” state will occur.

Occurrence frequency:


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this was since fixed i believe:

If i get a confirmation im going to delete that section of my message AND this one (i think that if we delete fixed bugs or archive them somewhere else it might declutter the thing a bit)

*Frequency: always
I’ve encountered this a long time ago when montaging a video, had to add the wrench sound effect manually

Platform: PS4 digital (its the same and only PS4 I always had)

Issue: since The Splitter and still after the quick patch that came later, in Freelancer (havent tested with base game) the game stutters for about 5sec. and the audio is stuck in a loop.
Once or twice it didnt come back to normal and i had to reboot the game.

Location: any maps in Freelancer

Frequency: every time i play Freelancer for about at least 1h.

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Platform: PC

Location: Freelancer safehouse
Issue: Customization items take several seconds for their textures to properly load in, even when playing with a 4090 and maxed out graphics settings.

Frequency: Always

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Platform: PC
Location: Freelancer safehouse
Issue: Custom paintings frequently reset, for example, the painting in my bedroom resets to “Space conflict” from the wide landscape, and painting in front of staircases on first floor resets to Jesus from collection of pictures from missions.
Frequency: Sometimes, especially when exiting through “exit to menu”, not alt+f4

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Platform: PC
Location: every mission
Issue: Squeky Toy has an effect of squeking and distracting NPC when placed down and stepped on by 47. Red-Tie Kiwi, a seemingly same item but reskinned, does not have this property.
Frequency: always.

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Santa Fortuna

The thumbnail of “Shaman’s Hut Key” is the same as that of “Caves Keycard”.
This has been the same since HITMAN2.

Reproduction procedure:

  1. obtain the “Shaman’s Hut Key” from the jar next to the entrance of the Shaman’s Hut and the “Cave Key Card” from the elite guard in the underground cave.
  2. open Information from the Notebook.
  3. both thumbnails are the same image.

Occurrence frequency:

Screenshots from HITMAN3

Screenshots from HITMAN2


HIrman 3
Platform Steam; PC
The Splitter Elusive Target mission; Chonquing

Terrain holes which let guards and other NPCs see through the floor/ceiling.

Specifically, dragging a body, KO’ing a guard or target, or any other technically illegal activity is being “seen” through the floor by a guard or other NPC in the level where the meeting is taking place. This has happened to me and others, but it’s also inconsistent in it’s occurrance.

There is obviously no true line of sight and it ruins both SA rating. Addtionally, the spotting NPC
sometimes does not reveal with orange color and other times if the spotter is a guard they come rushing at your position. Since phase 2 of this ET mission is ‘mission fail if you get spotted doing an illgal action’ this bug is misson breaking and quite serious.

The issue is seemingly specific to this room with the weapon box, elevator and copy machine,