Hitman Contracts Obejctives Not Completing Error

Hi all,

I’m new here so apologies if this post isn’t in the right section. This is my first Hitman game and I’m loving it, but have run into a roadblock.

On the 3rd mission of Contracts (Bjarkhov Bomb) after completing the 3 objectives I try to finish the mission by climbing up the stairs of the cargo plane, but I get a message saying “Objectives not completed”.
All of the objectives say “completed” except the last one I’m unable to accomplish.
I have the unofficial patch and widescreen fix installed for what it’s worth.

Any help or advice would be much appreciated.

You forgot to use detonator, didn’t you?

No, I blew up the sub. The first 3 objectives were completed. The last objective is “exit via the cargo plane” and that’s what I’m unable to do even when my mission log says I’ve done the first 3.
Ive searched extensively on this issue and it seems there’s only one post about it on Steam containing zero answers.

This objective can’t be seen as completed, because it’s the last one. I’ve never met this issue before, check it one more time. Is the sub really drown?

Yep, I got the cutscene of the sub sinking. I also killed the two targets. I meant the first 3 objectives say “completed”.
I really enjoy the game too so it’s a shame I’m stuck for now.

I thought maybe you’ve skipped Yurishka, tried and completed SA without speaking with him.

I did skip Yurishka, but I’m just playing on normal so I don’t think that would be an issue since it wasn’t an objective.

Have you tried to rerun the mission? Also may be some saving issues. Try to complete the mission without saves.