Hitman: Freeloader

To be clear, this is a list of the existing safes on each map which may or may not contain their original story mission contents, separate from the Freelancer safes which can spawn in each map, right?

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It is the actual Freelancer safes and their content. I checked all them. Only the safes/vault in Santa Fortuna, New York and Mendoza contains Merces.

Wait now I’m confused. You have listed the safes which already exist in each map both in the story missions and Freelancer missions, correct? Additionally, Freelancer challenge safes can spawn in each location (i.e. to crack/blow open to complete the Freelancer challenge). All of those Freelancer safes contain Mercers regardless of the map (but they don’t spawn 100% of the time).

You are talking about the safes that can appear in Freelancer missions just like the Couriers. I say that the content of the pre-existing safes in the campaign has been modified for Freelancer mode. And that some of these campaign safes contain Merces in Freelancer mode (only the one in Santa Fortuna, the one in Mendoza and the vault in New York).

You can blow it open but it just has the DNA sample.


Yes… that’s what I said. That’s what I was clarifying with my first reply.

Sorry, English is not my first language and I had not expressed myself clearly.

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In Marrakesh, the school safe has the letterbomb, but the consulate safe has a Guru’s Emetic Grenade

No worries at all. Thanks for compiling the list.

There’s a baseball bat buried in the sand in Mumbai on the beach near the guard house where you can go underground.


The Antique Curved Knife and the Burial Dagger have been removed from their deposit boxes (New York) and replaced by ~ 1000-1500 merces.


Thanks for the updates, they’ve been added. Except chloroform which was always that way :slight_smile:

There’s also a sawed off shotgun in a crate in Ambrose (in a corner of Akka’s fortress near the metal workers and engineers), I can’t remember if it’s the same one the pirates have or a different one though :x

A couple of things that could go on the list:

  • You can get emetic pills in Dubai, in one of the lockers in the small room next to the “basement” kitchen.

  • There are actually 2 remote explosives in Marrakesh, one in the tunnel and one in the school armory. They’re pretty helpful against those annoying market targets when the level’s alerted.

  • AFAIK you don’t need to avoid the lasers to get the golden shotgun in NY, you can just trigger the security and get the gold bars later when things have calmed down.


Thanks, information added!


Another place for Folding Knife: Underground server farm in Haven Island, leftmost openable locker in the locker room.

If you want to consider your safehouse as a location for freelancer equipment:

  • (Mastery level 38) Modern Lethal Syringe: Pick up emetic mushroom outside the shed, distill into lethal pills using the equipment inside the shed, convert pills into a syringe in the infirmary. Guaranteed to have a new mushroom after each successful mission, not sure about failed ones.

  • (Mastery level 38) Modern Emetic Syringe: Convert the same mushroom directly into a syringe without distilling into pills first.

  • (Mastery level 38) Modern Sedative Syringe: Fish on your pier until you catch a fish, cut the fish in your kitchen into sedative pills (you can use the grape knife from the shed), convert pills into modern sedative syringe in the infirmary. The chance for catching a fish seems to be around 10%, so it can take a while. Personally wouldn’t bother with this.

  • (Master level 76) Silverballers and fiber wire behind the shed, requires Deluxe Pack DLC.


The claw hammer is also located in Colombia, it’s in the construction area after the village’s bar, few steps away from the main entrance.


@Punished I don’t count items in the safehouse because they’re not something that you ever can store (i.e. they don’t have a rarity) - though on that note, you forgot the makeshift remote explosive.

@Loner I’ve added the Colombia Claw Hammer to the list, thanks!


The syringes you can manufacture in the infirmary are syringes with a rarity, and are stored in your freelancer crates. In that sense, they are different from the multiple other items you can find around the safehouse.

The weapons behind the shed also have a rarity and thus go on your wall, but you can only pick them up once.


are there any other maps featuring the Okinawan tonfa? I’ve been searching for it persistently, but I haven’t been able to find it.