To IO (pray tell, maybe even someone who’s not on the community engagement roles who might be reading this):
Please, please do reconsider this decision; it’s a bad note to start off Year 5 on, and takes away any shine off whatever may be in store.
Not only that, but it reflects very poorly that a studio that used to command much respect and loyalty from its playerbase feels a need to resort to such marketing plots to obtain as much money from WoA as possible.
A key complaint about Hitman 1, 2 and 3 was that of a convoluted purchasing system; a great step forward was taken by uniting everything into the WoA umbrella, but then all of that has been undone by the addition of the Sapienza access pack.
This just gives off the impression that you don’t care about either new players who want to buy your products, or about older players who’ve stuck with you through thick and thin- even during the leanest of times during Hitman 2.
While I wasn’t worried about how either Project Fantasy or Project 007 would’ve turned out earlier, I most definitely am now. I’m concerned that questionable decisions like these will eventually percolate down to every aspect of the coming games’ monetization components too.
Ending this pointless essay with worry.