Internationality of the Hitman Community

I have noticed that all the Hitman YouTubers that I follow aren’t from USA (with one exception)
AJ Nguyen: Vietnam
Gaming GOLD: Romania (47??)
volvomodus: Germany
bigMooney06: Scotland
Euler13: United Kingdom
Trzebiat: Poland
OnionButter: USA
Gamer4Sight: India
Salem (Soundtrack): France
Cassidy (Formerly Casimir): Canada
HitRest (missing): Finland
StealthGamerBR: fellow Brazilian (Brazil)

And even some of you are from other countries. Just to show how big and diverse the community is.

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Euler13 is from the UK


Alright, Thanks! I never heard him speaking, so there was no way I’d know.

Me neither. We were friends on Xbox for a while and I think either he mentioned it or he had his location mentioned somewhere on his profile

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Add Spain to that list

Who’s from Spain? I don’t know any.


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I’M ROMANIAN!!! But I grew up and living in Italy but I am Romanian.

This is my Silverballer yet to be finished


That’s nice! Close to my grandmother, then.

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I’m from Slovakia :grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:help.


Why help?
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Anyways , Hitman am i right ?

Saaaaaaaaaaaaame broooooooooo. Sorry for your politics. Unfortunately I can relate. But, Hitman indeed.

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