IOI's mistake with the Codename 47 suit

As a big fan of Codename 47 (You’re not the only one @MrOchoa) one thing I immediately noticed when the C47 suit was released is that IOI got it wrong. Instead of using the actual model seen in the released version of C47, IOI, for whatever reason, used the earlier beta model seen in some of Codename 47’s pre-release screens that never made it into the final game.

These are screens taken by me showing what 47 really looked like in C47

Down below is an official pre-release screenshot of C47 showing an early model of 47, the very same that IOI used for WOA.

From Prerelease:Hitman: Codename 47 - The Cutting Room Floor - An early model for Agent 47 with a blockier head and an early face texture. The Codename 47 Suit from Hitman 3 is based off this model, rather than the final game model. Whether or not that was done on purpose is unknown.

WOA’s flawed “C47 suit”.

From Hitman wikia: The suit, although still using the original Codename 47 texture and a slightly edited model to fit with the new rig, the face bears more of a resemblance to pre-release images of the Codename 47 model from late 1999/early 2000, rather than the final iteration of 47.

I know this is a very trivial thing for 99% of players but it bothers me because I think having his proper C47 model in the game would have been a more respectful homage to the original.

What I think happened is that, the new devs at IOI aren’t that familiar with the old titles, so, the person who had to rig and put the C47 model into the game, simply went through the old IO archives and grabbed the first set of files they could find and accidentally picked the beta model rather than the final.

There’s a mod on Nexus that fixes this mistake but it would be cool if IOI patched this officially.

Thanks for reading. I know no one really gives a shit about C47 but I’ve nothing better to do today so I felt like writing all this. lol


If IO cared, they would’ve done something by now. They’d be aware of the complaints about it since it released over a year ago + plus all the complaints about it before it released since it was in the data and available via Peacock for like six months before it released.

If it hasn’t changed by now, I doubt it ever will.

Doesn’t mean you’re wrong, but its just what the reality looks like for the situation.


Yeah, I know. This really isn’t a big deal though. Just a video game after all. I made this topic mainly cuz I’ve a boring day xd.

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This is the company that took two years to add the freelancer coin despite being constantly requested.

I wouldn’t hold your breath.


Eh, IOI’s a busy company. They’re developing that Bond game and that fantasy RPG one. Besides, I’m not very into WOA anyway. If I play Hitman, I play the pre-woa ones.

In IO’s “defense”, Samir admitted on the livestream that all the posts in early 2024 were seen, but then he forgot about it.

The right team within IO can’t fix what they don’t know about.


But this has been known pre-Samir. So did Travis forget to report this as well? Clemens? This just raises further questions!

I recall them saying they have a priorities list and, short of game-breaking bugs, they work their way up from the bottom to the top. Not the greatest system in the world, tbh.

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I recall a statement from Travis during one of the livestreams… (paraphrasing) “If we’re busy fixing bugs how can we create new content?”


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I’m sure they meant that in jest, but it sounds less funny when that’s the reality.


I just know as a person who doesn’t really care for C47, the suit we have in-game is fine with the exception of the head where I don’t think the source material was taken into consideration and we got what we got.


This man! Yes, this man right here, @MrOchoa! Send him to the Shadow Realm!


Thats a red flag mate, just like people who don’t like animals. What’s wrong with you? jk


It’d be nice to have a H2SA model too


Why stop there, they could add all previous models of 47, from C47 to Absolution and even the models used in H2016 and H2 2018 :grin:


Absolutely! I just mention H2SA as it is my fave!


Contracts happened.

Hey, calm down. I’m in your field where I want you to have an appropriate c47 suit.


Class game!! Beldingford Manor, best Hitman level ever!!!


Me agreeing to some extent but knowing that Hitman Mission Championship - Heat X: Contracts will soon happen and Beldingfold Manor will be targeted for elimination


Thanks for doing this post. Some of us do actually care. I’m actively blocking the current model from memory because it looks so disturbing.

C47 deserves better.


It’s weird. The whole point of releasing the suit was to pay homage to the original. So why do it half heartedly, and make only look somewhat like the original? It would be kind of like releasing the Blood Money suit, only the tie was more pink than red…