Is Hitman WOA starting to feel nostalgic?

To me , Hitman no longer feels like a “current game” but instead it’s something that i “used to play a while ago” even tho H3 came out 3 years ago.

Knowing that the series has reached its peak years ago and now it’s just left behind to be consumed by time is such a weird feeling.


Hitman: Codename 47 feels nostalgic to me, not WoA.

…Dang kids these days. :smirk:


I know exactly what you mean, i too remember when Hitman Contracts came out :cry:


Wait, you mean the series didn’t start off peak and then go downhill from there? :thinking:

You’re full of surprises dude :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


It’s like Star Wars: first three will forever be the greatest…


You can just “YAME!” with that right now, MrOchoa…




Well, with content still being added to the game, IOI are keeping up the hype when they’re asking for things we’d like to see in the game. With us still getting more content as part of Year 4, I still think there’s a bit of life left in Hitman WOA before we close it off :slightly_smiling_face:



And then they release the 8th game (Hitman 3) which tops everything that came before :wink:


Good choice sir! Take your time, you will enjoy this.

fact checker

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Truth hurts , I know.

The 2016 maps (Paris-Hokkaido) are incredibly nostalgic to me, the rest feel more current.


HITMAN WoA is still accurate and got a potential years of more content ahead if they want to.

Each Hitman game has its own special thing about it that makes it unique, so I can’t put my finger on a specific game to say it’s my favourite. I love them all the same.

If anything, I can give a favourite level of all time though and that is Beldingford Manor.

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WOA as in H1-3 in the H3 engine, not yet.

H1 by itself does feel kinda nostalgic sometimes though. Mostly the stuff that didn’t get ported to H3, like Pro Mode, some escalations and some contracts :confused:


We’re getting closer to 10 years since Hitman 2016 was out but i still don’t think it’s old enough to be nostalgic about it. Because of mechanics that are still very relevant, graphics that still look awfully good and everything that surrounds the game makes it very present.
Nostalgia is always about things that were wonderful for us when they came out but would be considered outdated today, well that’s one side of what nostalgia is. Maybe Hitman started to fade away because some of us go through the motions.

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I am starting to feel nostalgic about Hitman, going through all the missions the first time and figuring out all of the challenges was so fun and enjoyable, and even though I’ve now gone through 2016 three times, 2 two and a half times, and 3 three and three quarter times, the repeat times just don’t hit quite as high. Having 1 or 2 challenges added a month is okay, but nowhere near the same feeling as a new mission with several to figure out and complete (one of the reasons why I wish the celeb ETs were Special Assignments).

I think the nostalgia will really kick in whenever the next Hitman game comes out, which I have a feeling will be quite different from the World of Assassination.

And of course, when the servers eventually shut down console players are gonna be real nostalgic for the time when the game wasn’t just the bare minimum of content.

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I do not know why did not IOI bring 2016pro and these missions back.Now every roadmap is filled with the same old targets.They always fool us players .

8 years is a decent passage of time.

Whilst the servers were down during the recent update, I actually went offline and played through story mode again for the first time in years, playing with default loadout and doing the training/final test missions and those opening cutscenes with 47 and Diana at the ICA facility definitely got me feeling a little nostalgic.

“That’s… not a name”
“So make it one”

*Cue legacy cinematic…

Not gonna lie, I fist pumped the air! :rofl: