Linux's Merry Mysteries - Curated Contracts Submission Thread [Closed]

Contract Title: Revenge of the Jolly Chimps
Chirstmas is in danger from a gang of Scrooges! They are ripping apart Jolly Chimps and burning them so that Santa doesn’t have any to give out on Christmas! We’ve been hired by the big man in red to deal with these merry misologists before Christmas is ruined!

Brief Description:
This takes place mostly in the biker garage. One person is breaking apart Jolly Chimps and another is throwing them in the incinerator. The garage is filled with vehicles you can use or there are two propane tanks at the spawn. The third person is across on another roof, but its somewhat difficult to get an angle on him with the sniper rifle and he has another guard nearby. There isn’t any good smuggle location nearby so for a good time, the player will probably need to use the unsilenced one on the second floor.


Contract ID: 1-29-6230152-82
Platform: Steam
Submitter name: Casetros