Mendoza Escalation: The Pasquel Consortium

Good idea for an escalation in theory, but in practice it turned out a bit too RNG for my liking.

My biggest issue was that you couldn’t reliably predict where the bodies would land. Usually this wasn’t much of an issue, but that one time the guard in the backyard didn’t fell into the water basin. The other guards found the body immediately, put him in a body bag and I failed the mission. :sweat_smile:

Yeah, that was a pain. I also experienced the sniper missing shots altogether and even taking out non targets! Kill order prompt not showing up despite being only a couple of feet away. Guns flying over the ledge when I needed to pick them up, etc.
Definitely rustled my OCD jimmies.

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I could just tell getting the guy shot into the pool thing was gonna be too risky, so I never even tried; just tagged him, lured him to the nearby bush, then gave the kill order. Worked EZPZ

To be fair, that only happened one single time. Every other time he fell in the water as intended.

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Gonna tackle this Escalation as soon as I finished and released my Mendoza Refacing Mod. It defenitly looks promising so far.

I wouldn’t say I loved this escalation, but I liked it. It’s nice that it makes use of the sniper team which honestly went completely unnoticed to me in my first ever couple of runs in Mendoza. I was a little worried when a couple of my bodies landed in spots which were clearly visible but fortunately the game seemed to count them as hidden! I even managed 44th on the Xbox leaderboard for Level 3 (although it was a slow run and I’m sure that won’t last long). That was after a good hour or so on Level 2 perfecting my route.