[MOD] Freelancer Variations

I want to try this mod, but I don’t want random ToD… is it integrated with, or separated from the ToD mod?

You can choose what ever you want here
And download down the page and generate favorite maps and day/night


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I play on Steam.

Fixed it! It was set up like this when the files should be directly under retail and not the unzipped folder. Thanks for asking - made me rethink how I had it set up.

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That’s the point, it’s “no ui”.


May not work for people with SDK crashes, but I’ve added another solution to try: (Suggested by ProjektRF on Nexus)

For people having issues with SDK just crashing the game on launch I’ve had luck changing the Hitman3.exe to compatibility mode Windows 8 and it launched. I’ve seen others have luck changing it to Vista compatibilty. I guess play around and see what works

Still don’t understand why she was always busy, but I’ve moved her further away from people in this variation now. Will be in next update

I’ve also fixed the weird crowd stuff at start of map, they will start already gone

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The SDK work fine without freeze and crash anymore good work!

Btw Chongqing noodle work in the Leader?
Everytime i play leader in Chongqing its load for me just the real main Chongqing. I tried few contracts and restart game for random 5 times .
Maybe its just luck but i curious if someone play this in the Leader

Not yet, that’s for a future update, hopefully in a week or something, I’m not sure

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That will be awsome

I really love the added variants to the missions. especially the more darker, nighttime missions. It really spices things up and I’m hoping that most of these variants will be added to the TOD mod. My only real complaint is that the missions will sometimes softlock upon completion or would just straight up crash, and some of the variants (Daytime Isle of Sgail) are a bit of an eyesoar. Otherwise this a top tier mod!


Tell me about the softlocks and the crashes
I assume by softlock you mean when you exit you’re stuck on the last frame of the exit sequence forever? If so, has this happened on any other variant than Landslide? So far that’s been the only one where it’s been reported

And when did the crashes happen?
(Also what storefront are you playing on?)

P.S. Yes they’ll all be in ToD Mod some point, and I’m not 100% happy with Sgail but don’t know if/when I’ll be revisiting it. The map itself just doesn’t look great in daytime being plain water, big sky and a dirty island made of grey/olive bricks :confused: As for the brightness issue you showed… I’d have to go over every room individually :tired_face: Realistically I’d have to change all lamp brightnesses, because they were set to night time level brightness, which doesn’t need much brightness since everything is dark; but for lamps to be able to compete with the sunlight they all have to be really bright :confused:
Maybe I can at least make some tweaks

And remember, if you don’t like particular variants, you can turn them off on the configuration website: Hitman 3 Freelancer Variations Configuration


I’m playing on the steam version if that’s what you mean by storefront.

All of my soft-locks have happened on Landslide (so there’s probably an issue there lol), there’s also something wrong with Hokkaido but I’m gonna assume it’s a Hitman thing and not a mod thing.
(if you’re wondering though, a soft-lock happens if you kill an NPC/Target in the sauna)

Also for some reason the game changes the lighting in Paris to the OG version (2016 version) even though I don’t even have lighting ultimate installed yet (or maybe that’s just an SDK thing and I’m just a dumbass)

Crashes tend to happen when loading into a level or after exfiltration (traveling back to the safe-house, this doesn’t seem to happen on the vanilla version), However these crashes rarely happen and I have a memory of a goldfish so I can’t really confirm which locations crash specifically.

Thanks for the tip :+1:

That’s my fault, I wanted Holiday Hoarders to be the original night version of the map, rather than a weird blue sunset. Only way I know how to do that atm is to essentially include the LU version of Paris which changes the normal sunset Paris too. I could try look into a way to get the original night without affecting vanilla Paris but not at the top of list atm

Freelancer Variations 0.9.4 - The Undying Sunset & Various Fixes

Does it help people who have crashes? No (See previous posts about disabling SDK’s UI for that). But it adds a pretty variant :kissing_heart:

  • Miami: Adds The Undying - Sunset (Includes new Territory Takedown targets)
  • Berlin - Midday: Fixes female supplier being ‘too busy’ for you, crowds panicking at start of mission, and a broken spawn (Thank you to @Jet3012 for reporting)
  • Sapienza - Landslide Showdown: Fixes badly places food and drink suspect acts, and poorly placed lookout acts

As usual use Piepie’s website or redownload the SDK mod from Nexus to enable the new Miami variant


Thanks for saying

And no, no one’s done it in the history of Hitman modding (that I’m aware of) because it’s not that simple. And even if Absolution stuff did just work and was easy to put in, making a bonus mission version of a map is not quick or easy. Noodle Massacre took 7 months to make, and that one didn’t even overly change the look of the map. I don’t know if I’ll ever put in that kind of effort again, and definitely not just for one variant in a mod


hi kevin can you somehow put this track in Chongqing Noodle Massacre\ Chongqing this music to apartment\Laundri or in the street somewhere in the map?

i think in Chongqing Asian music very miss.
like in Marrakesh,Colombia,Mumbai,Bangkok,Sapienza,Dubai,Mendoza

all Destinations have they Traditional music but there its missing :expressionless:

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No, all I will be doing is eventually restoring the ‘karaoke’ music which I had to take out due to weird crashes

And please anyone with suggestions for Chongqing Noodle Massacre (which I almost certainly won’t do as I’m trying to put that mod behind me) use the Chongqing Noodle Massacre thread

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yes Karoke was cool too. and gone
its complicated to put this in the game? if i dont have much experience?
like this video example of a few places


nice and relaxing
Remind me Kane and Lynch 2 there in the street have asian environment not like Chongqing that feel like you are in Chicago .

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most important its to put
‘The Leader’ on Chongqing noodle and
to fill the Block with chinese guards for the freelancer, but ill happy for some like this music local chinese traditional thats great idea

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