[MOD] Random Times of Day

Random Times of Day

Have you ever wanted to play regular Hitman modes and have different times of day when you enter the map? How about the ability to pick what time of day you want before entering, in only a slightly convoluted way? Well now your dreams have come true. This mod has been something Team Ruddcy has been wanting and working toward for a while, but thanks to Piepieonline 's Mission Companion Mod it is now a reality.

How does it work?

It’s eerily similar to Freelancer Variations in that it uses an SDK mod to inject itself in Online mode and Peacock as you load the mission. You use the ToD picker website to choose what pool of ToDs you want the game to pick from for each map, or if you only want one in particular you can pick just that, as an alternative to the existing Time of Day Mod. I will consider adding an offline mode (non-SDK) for main missions which you can toggle on and off in SMF if enough people request it, but you will be unable to use the ToD picker website for offline mode so I have not included that feature at launch. There is also not a Peacock Plugin version at launch as I personally am not sure how to make it do what I need, and the SDK mod works on Peacock anyway.

You can change ToDs however you want at any time without restarting the game or having to redeploy the mod, by using the website, saving the JSON and then going into SDK in game by hitting ` and press “Reload Companion Mod”. All changes to your JSON should then take effect next time you load a mission. You can remove all ToDs you don’t want if you feel like loading just one particular ToD in that session, making my old Time of Day Mod redundant (unless you hate the SDK)


  1. Get SMF
  2. Get the SDK. Put the SDK FILES in your HITMAN3\Retail folder
  3. Grab the Mission Companion SDK mod and put it in HITMAN3\Retail\mods
  4. Grab the Random Times of Day SMF mod and install it using SMF Mod Manager’s “Add A Mod” button.
  5. Grab either the default JSON from the files page here or go to the ToD Picker website and hit generate at the bottom, and save/extract it to HITMAN3\Retail\mods
  6. Launch the game! You should get a popup of the SDK if it’s your first time, if the mods list isn’t showing then press ` then the Mods button to bring up the list, then select MissionCompanion and press OK.
    Then go play!

Mod Incompatibilities

It appears Lighting Ultimate is incompatible with this mod, at least on Sapienza. Slowly figuring out how extensive the problem is and how (if) it can be solved.

It should also go without saying that if you have the old ToD Mod on any location it will screw with the Random ToDs, as ToD Mod forces a location to have that one ToD every time. Remove ToD Mod entirely and only use Random ToDs from now on.


Team Ruddcy is led by Kevin Rudd and Kercyx. We are responsible for 95% of the ToDs in this mod.

musicalmushr00m created the following times of day: Night Colorado (Lamp tweaks by Ruddy), 2016 Daytime Sapienza (Restored from 2016 game files, Applying it to Landslide has meant some interiors may not look like how creator intended)

TonyStark created Berlin Midday (Tweaks to indoor lighting means it may not look as creator intended)

Please note the ToD Picker website does not yet have pictures set up properly, but it’s all the same ones from ToD Mod and Freelancer Variations


More pictures please for those who dont play on PC :slight_smile:


We’re busy people. You’ll have to live with this

Just for you I updated the website.

It appears Lighting Ultimate is incompatible with this mod, at least on Sapienza. Slowly figuring out how extensive the problem is and how (if) it can be solved.

Update: I accidentally specified the FV variant in New York, if you don’t have FV on it will crash, if you do then it will load freelancer stuff. This has now been fixed, redownload from Nexus or variant picker website.

1.0.1 - Compatibility Update

A boring housekeeping update, but makes things tidier and improves compatibility with other mods.


  • Converts files to different format to remove SMF warnings
  • Changes to have compatibility with Lighting Ultimate (Worked with all season 1 Classic options prioritised in my test, GOTY for Patient Zero ones)
  • Sapienza Night: Adds night time soundscape

No JSON update required