[MOD] Welcome To Cuba

Welcome to Cuba, 47

What if instead of a ‘simulation’ of a mission inside of a silo in Greenland, The Final Test took place at an actual Cuban airfield? Well wonder no more with Welcome To Cuba .

Made over the course of five days this is a beta release. So it is not magical and flawless, many of vanilla remains, albeit with a new coat of paint, but I thought it was important to rush it out so you don’t have to wait months, it can become a Freelancer variant, and I can go back to focussing on other bigger mods that have been in the works for months or even a year.

Important information

  • This is a Beta release. That means some parts of the map are going to look ugly, and the inside has not been fully converted from mishmash plywood. But the outside good, and broad stroke replacement of the plywood with other materials has been made. Some rooms also have brand new walls, but a lot are unfinished. This is because fully converting the inside of the hangar to look ‘real’ would probably take a month; that is what Team Ruddcy is doing with the yacht at the moment, and it indeed has taken over a month so far
  • It is fully functional online. That means you can play online escalations, story mode, Featured and regular contracts, challenges in this new ‘real’ version of Cuba. Go and enjoy the prologue in a much better, newer way!
  • All gameplay elements are kept the exact same. I wanted to add fuel barrels at the plane entrance for example, but I decided not allow any gameplay differences between vanilla and this, so there is no cheating on leaderboards and no one can make a contract with this mod that’s impossible for vanilla players. This is purely a visual and audio mod. The only possible exception to this rule is I covered up one wall that had a big hole in it that you could shoot through. When I make the Freelancer variant however this will not be a consideration and I will add more gameplay differences.
  • It would take 12 seconds to deploy if not for all the voices that have to be copied over to chunk0, but I felt the Hispanic voices for local guards and European voices for the Soviets were important. Scripted lines however remain in American voices because… what can I do.
  • Offline mode allows you pick loadout and have difficulties. I have not yet made a Peacock plugin but it will work, just without the loadout and difficulties.

Installed the same as any SMF mod. Download ZIP, open SMF, go to mod screen, add mod, select ZIP, add to load order, hit Apply or Deploy, play.


That looks fantastic! Great work can’t wait to play some freelancer variation here, hint hint :wink:


Can’t wait to try this. Amazing work @Kevin_Rudd you are the master of modding.
Looking forward to the yacht as well!


-Are you sure about this?
-I am.
-There are no second coats of paint. Mr Rudd. Not here.
-I choose this location.
-May I inquire why? A blank level. Makeshift. Artificial and enclosed. No doubt the map shows promise, but…
-Perhaps I see possibility where others see limitation. Isn’t that what a Modder does?

Beautiful work @Kevin_Rudd
The atmosphere of the map seems much more breathable.

Kinda curious to see if it could also be combined with time of day, or equivalent.
It has the potential to be gorgeous under a bright sun.


Very nice work! I’m still in awe at how much modders can accomplish in Hitman without official tools.

I probably would have been happy with the original structure and imagining the base as some sort of emergency/makeshift airfield. But am looking forward to further changes.


Leaving a dot. I want to try this. Sounds fantastic


Considering it for FV (although if more was different than just the lighting that would be ideal). Here was me dicking around for two minutes the other day. Not a serious attempt (it still has night mode shadows, very dark; and very grey too) but something to hold you over

I’ve seen 2-3 complaints about the deploy time of this mod, that’s because for it to replace actual prologue all files it uses need to be in chunk0 (Does not have access to assets from Seasons 1-3 etc), so the Hispanic and European voice sets (couple GB total) are copied using SMF and this can take 4-30 (Apparently?) minutes depending on your system, however that’s only first deploy, then it starts using the cache.

Should I make an option to keep American voices for everyone so deploy time is 10x faster?
  • Yes
  • Yes, and it should be the default option
  • Don’t worry about it/My deploy time wasn’t that bad?
0 voters

Bruh this looks amazing! Can’t wait to get home and play it! Well done Kevin :heart:


People will just need to actually take SMF’s suggestion to “grab a coffee or something” now. :joy:


Heres a run on the modded map.
Great mod Kevin!


Cuba is now ready for Freelancer, but I won’t put that update out til SDK is updated, which I have on good authority will be SoonTM

Here is the daytime ToD I just made, based on my midday Ambrose ToD

Thinking of putting a very basic mission (contract) to go with Welcome To Cuba to show all the changes made for Freelancer (the fact it’s not meant to be 1979 any more, among other changes) and a mission to show off the new ToD, but I’ll worry about that after the FV update


0.9 - Modern Cuba

Some updates were necessary to make sense in Freelancer. While I was there I decided to add some features.


  • Adds non-Soviet scenario (Used in Freelancer Variations)
  • New daytime ToD
  • Basic special assignment added to showcase the points above
  • NPCs can no longer walk through the wire fence
  • Some background trees no longer float
  • Adds new Cuba destination
  • Adds Peacock Plugin (Destination, Final Test planning and difficulties. Beware challenges do not work in Cuba)

I get the strong feeling I fucked something up, so let me know