Mouse centring issue

I just got a new PC and I installed hitman 3 (steam) but in the menu the cursor constantly snaps to the centre. Does anyone have a fix?

Most of the time this particular problem stems from the game believing that a controller is active.

First, simply, try to de-plug and re-plug your mouse, maybe in another port. It might be enough.

After that, two main possibilities :

  • you have a controller actually plugged in
  • your PC believes that there is one plugged in

The first one is easy to look for.
The second one is a bit more tricky. Especially since you can be in a situation where steam doesn’t show a controller, but the game still sees one.

In that case :

  • check your drivers (especially with a new PC)
  • check for a device/controller emulation software that could be active
  • look for enabled devices on your PC