Natural Selection

Yes it’s natural crafted poison to.

Whittleton creek , my preferred map for a showdown, especially if foodie is one of their tells

I prefer Dubai, Miami or Haven Island for showdowns. Whittleton Creek can get a little cramped with lookouts/suspects. But I only play on hardcore. It’s not a super hard showdown map in hardcore, just not the easiest. Especially if you’re using the FL variations mod and get that version of whittleton where the Wilson’s property is a trespass zone.

Just an update - you don’t get any credits towards Puzzle Master for killing a showdown target with frog poison, but it does count for Natural Selection and Don’t Lick Me.

I was going to post about this then realized about this thread, anyway I gave Greg on Ambrose an emetic flower and got a lethal poison vial just to realize its the exact same that i made in my shed so many times, which never counted towards crafted poison, what gives? Natural would be fauna and flora but if this isnt crafted…

Bugged or misleading challenge i would assume.

It has to be crafted on the actual map. Crafting poison at your shed doesn’t count.

So why didnt it count when i poisoned the leader with it?

The only one of ten point that i have towards that challenge is when i switched to using a frog.

The one from your shed, or the one you made on the map? Because that’s likely a glitch, as I’ve used that before and it worked.

Ive had one from the shed so I made sure to drop it prior to picking up Greg’s and it didnt count.

it’s misleading/ poorly written, the challenge works for natural occurring poisons ie. frogs and poisonous flowers
whittleton, ambrose, haven & santa fortuna all have these, use hitmaps if you struggle to find anything


And Mendoza if you make a poison on the vineyard shed distillery.