Safe to assume this is coming in December, since that’s when they’ve previously announced the PSVR2 update is coming. Makes sense to push it all out together in one patch instead of two.
I nominate a young Harrison Ford
That guess fits very well on both counts IMO.
The silhouette makes me think of 2 actors. Not exact matches but looks a bit like Michael Fassbender or Glen Powell to me.
Maybe also prohibitively expensive options, but they do both have recent hitman-related movies that they might want to cross-promote a bit in The Killer and Hit Man respectively.
Could we see @Dribbleondo 's Killer outfit made official?
idk how splitting ties into that, @JaqTaar has the best guess so far with Van Damme probably!
They already had it in the bank. Hitman 3 has been making profit since a week after launch. Plus they have the US$5 DLCs when they re-released content to recuperate some costs.
Their financial report that was released last month mentioned the CelebrETs a few times and mentioned that they were successful. So all the recent deals must have been profitable via the DLC/andditional game sales and now they’re just going harder in on these for some easy cash.
Yeah, I meant to bring that up, has a thread been made for that? I remember seeing one for 22/23.
Not that I’ve seen at least. Only seen a brief conversation about it on G2M Discord and thats been about it.
This silhouette reminded me of Tim Robbins. But yeah, Van Damme would be a safer bet.
One thing I hope for is that we are actually getting someone very mainstream for once, I mean yeah, McGregor is famous, known even outside of his field, but not mainstream famous outside of his field.
I really hope we are getting someone mainstream famous for once.
On that topic and since Yusef Dikec was already mentioned, we should not forget the other shooter from the Olympics who went viral: Kim Ye-Ji
Honestly, I couldn’t care less about who the celebrity is. I’ve never cared who the celebrity is in the past either. The Drop, who was literally a case of “who?”, is probably my favourite of the lot.
All I hope is that its a decent mission to play and isn’t completely built around a single guided mission story like The Disruptor was. The Drop was a far better CelebrET imo as the mission gave you multiple options with mission story-esque opportunities to kill the target.
The Disruptor basically handed you SA on a silver platter as the “intended” way of completing the mission story was just too convenient. I somewhat enjoyed it at first - just as the fight was about to start I realised “47 usually takes damage in a fist fight… I could be about to fail if I get this wrong” - but then realising after the fact that you can’t lose the fight cheapened the experience and downgraded it to “meh”.
That’s will be fantastic, I love this suit
First thought was Tom Brady
Would’ve been cool if it was Art the clown. Iykyk.
That’s the New York ET that will happen. Trust.
I want to know the context of this nickname. The Splitter? Why does this reveal about the target? Most (not all) of the nicknames of targets gives an idea of who we’ll be dealing with, either because of what their angle is or what they’ve done to merit a hit placed on them. In the case of the Splitter, what are we facing? Is this someone who splits things, like a martial arts expert who likes to do a Bruce Lee- style chop to things and split them, or maybe use a big axe of some kind? Is it a corporate lawyer who splits financial assets up after dissolving a company? Is it someone who runs, or splits when shit goes down after setting up business deals to go bad? What is the significance of the name?
Jean Claude Van Damme.
The Splitter…he’s famous for splits.