Players get 1 point to add to the board, and 2 points to subtract
Points may be split up how you wish.
No decimalised points allow, so basically no half or quarter points permitted
Players may play the game once per day
Players are not allowed to “save” missed day postings and post multiple times on a single day. If you miss playing on August 1st, you can not play twice on August 2nd.
No duplicate accounts are allowed to play
No account younger than a week is allowed to play
When a mission reaches 0 points, it is immediately removed from the game
The game will end when 9 missions are eliminated, and the 12 missions remaining will move on to the quarter-finals.
You may not put any mission in the realm of quantum superposition.
The Board:
Sniper Challenge [20]
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [20]
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [20]
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [20]
Shaving Lenny [20]
End of the Road [20]
Dexter Industries [20]
Death Factory [20]
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [20]
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [20]
One of a Kind [20]
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
Sniper Challenge [21] +1
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [20]
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [20]
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [20]
Shaving Lenny [18] -2
End of the Road [20]
Dexter Industries [20]
Death Factory [20]
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [20]
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [20]
One of a Kind [20]
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
Sniper Challenge [21]
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [20]
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [20]
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [18]-2
Shaving Lenny [18]
End of the Road [20]
Dexter Industries [20]
Death Factory [21] +1
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [20]
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [20]
One of a Kind [20]
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
Sniper Challenge [21]
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [20]
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [20]
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [18]
Shaving Lenny [19] +1
End of the Road [20]
Dexter Industries [20]
Death Factory [21]
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [20]
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [18] -2
One of a Kind [20]
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
Sniper Challenge [21]
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [21] +1
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [19] -1
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [17] -1
Shaving Lenny [19]
End of the Road [20]
Dexter Industries [20]
Death Factory [21]
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [20]
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [18]
One of a Kind [20]
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
I’ve never played the Sniper Challenge… Guess I’ll have to find a gameplay vid on YT and make a judgement based on that.
Sniper Challenge [22] + 1
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [21]
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [17 -2
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [17]
Shaving Lenny [19]
End of the Road [20]
Dexter Industries [20]
Death Factory [21]
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [20]
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [18]
One of a Kind [20]
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
Phew! Almost didn’t get that last one in on time. It’s now a new day where I live so I can play again (-;
Sniper Challenge [23] +1
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [21]
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [15] -2
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [17]
Shaving Lenny [19]
End of the Road [20]
Dexter Industries [20]
Death Factory [21]
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [20]
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [18]
One of a Kind [20]
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
Edit: I went back to make sure I actually made it with “yesterday’s post.” The forum clicked the post over from 9 min old to 10 min old 4 seconds before my phone clicked from 12:09 to 12:10… so I only made it by 4 seconds, but it’s legit.
Sniper Challenge [23]
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [21]
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [15]
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [17]
Shaving Lenny [19]
End of the Road [20]
Dexter Industries [18]-2
Death Factory [21]
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [21]+1
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [18]
One of a Kind [20]
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
It’s the best of the sniper maps if you ask me. Maybe some of that is bc it was a never done before thing when it was sniper challenge? Maybe some of that is bc it’s set in the most wonderful city on earth? I know some of it is because 47 takes his jacket off to sit there for a while which proves he does have feelings. He gets hot in the sun. He cares enough about this minor irritation to take his blazer off. A glimpse into his mind is always fun for me. Maybe some of it was bc Mr X shows up? But I love it, it’s the best sniper map; it’s even better than the sniper map in the mobile game, and I wish we could get a port of it into WOA.
Sniper Challenge [23]
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [22] +1
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [15]
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [17]
Shaving Lenny [19]
End of the Road [18] -2
Dexter Industries [18]
Death Factory [21]
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [21]
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [18]
One of a Kind [20]
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
In fact can I have extra down votes? I feel like the two I have are insufficient to fully express the enduring enmity I have towards ninety percent of this game.
You can not swap your upvote for an additional down vote nor can you swap a down vote for an additional up vote. You get 2 and 1 not some other combination of 3 votes. As to the other question of “must one use all 3 of their votes or can they use less?” I got no idea, that’s up to @Silvereyes
Sniper Challenge [23]
A Personal Contract [20]
The King of Chinatown [22]
Terminus [20]
Run For Your Life [15]
Hunter and Hunted [20]
Rosewood [20]
Welcome to Hope [20]
Birdie’s Gift [17]
Shaving Lenny [20] +1
End of the Road [18]
Dexter Industries [18]
Death Factory [21]
Fight Night [20]
Attack of the Saints [21]
Skurky’s Law [20]
Operation Sledgehammer [18]
One of a Kind [18] -2
Blackwater Park [20]
Countdown [20]
Absolution [20]
I played the game last year and barely remember most. The only ones I do were the few solid ones. Not exactly good but better than the rest. The others are forgettable for a reason.