Official Community Created Contracts - EASTER 🐰 (March 2023) [CLOSED]

Alright, I’m back

Contract ID: 4-03-4624999-31

Platform: Nintendo Switch

Submitter name: EpicGamerer

Contract name: The Eggs-tremists [sounds like extremists, geddit?]

Briefing: 47, it seems like war is breaking out over Easter. On one side is the delivery company Eurosped. They believe that Easter is all about yummy chocolate eggs and profits and have sent 2 agents to Sapienza to convert the church. On the other side is Padre Francesco and his church goons, They believe that Easter is a time only for prayer and have planned to take out the Eurosped agents. Take out both sides to end this war.

Brief description: Take out the 2 delivery men as a church staff dude then take out the priest and some other guy as a delivery man using several cool methods :sunglasses:.Edit: Hol’ up I should probably add an image too huh
Targets -

Objectives -

Took pics of my switch because I’m too lazy to transfer again like the image suggestion.

Location: Sapienza (normal mission)


Let’s hope I get this contract featured after my 3 month hiatus (my version broke in September until Freelancer update :sob:).


Contract ID: 3-03-4554233-69

Platform: XBOX ONE

Submitter name: OZZYGRL

Contract title: 47’s SPRING BREAK

Briefing: Yellow Rabbit has decided to give agent 47 a spring break and hop around Sapienza accidently killing a few of the ICA’s most wanted. His message to 47:
Spring has sprung and evil is
among us.
I will silence their tongue
Without being suspicious.

Brief description: Kill these 4 targets in accidents. If you have the yellow rabbit suit wear it. If not, its ok. Dress for success and HAVE FUN.

Location: Sapienza

Title art:

Targets name, briefing and objectives



this contract is fun and also teach you how to be more sneaky and stealthy and not relly so much in suits is good contract if you want to get better at suit only stuff also as quick tip doug im recomnd leave it as the last target and use the roofs


The complications
Image suggestion

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NAME:mayhem in a buny suit
ID:1 34 4426307 66
a VERY fun contract that can be done in silent assasin and also this contract is one personal favorites

Image suggestion


Contract ID: 1-04-3641914-67

Platform: PC (Epic)

Submitter name: Phylocode

Contract Title: Easter Egg(limination) Hunt


Good Morning, 47

Three targets today who coincidentally have the letters o-v-a, in that order, as part of their given or family names. With Easter approaching, our festive client request you hunt in holiday appropriate attire and permanently place each “egg” in a suitable “basket”.

Good Luck, 47

Brief Description: Kill three targets via any method and hide all bodies. Do it all in your suit.

Location: Sapienza (Landslide)

Image suggestion


ey man nice screnshoot

Contract ID: 1-22-2076649-10
Platform: PC, EGS
Submitter Name: bgyorok
Contract Title: Trick or treat!
47 has been too busy with eliminating syndicates, so he has lost track of time. He brought a basket to Whittleton Creek for sweets instead of eggs. After being refused to be given chocolate at every doorstep, he became sad, then furious.
He wanted to bring the wrath of a thousand trick-or-treaters upon the people of this town.
Brief Description:
4 targets with no kill conditions or suit requirements and also no complications. The targets are all scattered around the map (although that doesn’t mean you have to approach all of them directly). I tried to make this contract optimal for speedrunners (AFAIK, all targets have speedrun approaches), but also optimal for casual players (eliminating one of them in a public area with lots of eyewitnesses, eliminating the other 3 in trespassing areas).
Location: Whittleton Creek
Featured Contract Image Suggestions:


NAME:The Hunt
ID:1 30 7676085 66
This contract you can play it anyoneway you want there are pleanty kill opurtainitys but my sugestion is to do sniper assasin but aggain you can do it anyway you want anyways have fun


Image suggestion


Contract ID: 2-03-5068078-84
Platform: Playstation
Submitter name: teddyfilmore
Contract Title: Give Me That Old Time Religion
Location: Sapienza

Good afternoon, 47.

It’s Easter in Sapienza and when the Archbishop arrived for the holiday service, he was shocked by how deeply secularism had taken root. A real Old Testament type, it seems he never got passed all the smiting.

Deeming the locals’ faith to be as hollow as a chocolate bunny, he contracted us to put the fear of God back in the people the old fashioned way; with fire and brimstone. After all, you have to break a few eggs to make rabbit stew.

Happy Easter Head Hunting, 47.

Brief Description:

My first contract involving explosive devices. Thank you Freelancer for the versatility.

Celebrate Easter by unleashing the wrath of God on what the Archbishop believes are enemies of the church: science, hippies and leisure activities. Then punish the Padre for allowing corruption to seep in.

Image Suggestions


Contract ID: 2-09-8063803-45

Platform: Playstation

Submitter Name: Iamblue17

Contract Title: Revenge on the Anti Rabbits

Briefing: Looks like April Fools came early this year, 47! How? Well a group known as the Anti Rabbits sabotaged an egg hunt event in Colorado by stealing the eggs and replacing it with apricots during the night before the event was supposed to start.

This isn’t the first time this happened. Every single year the Militia’s egg hunt events are sabotaged, causing a sudden cancelation.

The Militia are willing to do anything to sabotage them back, that’s when you come along, 47.

Brief Description: Sabotage (Kill through accidents) all of the five members of the Anti Rabbits, including the leader. Your targets are far away from each other, but will at some point be in an area where accidents can occur if sabotaged. No pacifications is also the only optional complication, this complication isn’t related to the theme at all, but this does make all of the starting locations have different play throughs, like when you choose a suit starting location you can try and juggle the disguises from your targets.

Location: Colorado, USA


Contract ID: 2-34-7306390-45

Platform: Playstation

Submitter Name: Iamblue17

Contract Title: Toxic Egg Hunt

Briefing: Ambrose Island is preparing it’s very first egg hunt event. There’s a problem though, all of the eggs scaterred around in the forest have been poisoned due to the toxicity of the forest in Ambrose.

Your client, the new founder of Ambrose Island, wants you to use up these poisoned eggs. Luckily there’s only three scattered in the forest, but you still gotta find them.

Briefing Description: Eliminate Orson Mills and two other Militia Soldiers through consumed poison. There are also two complications: No non target kills and no pacifications.

Location: Ambrose Island, Andaman sea

not the best thumbnail, I know.

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This post needs an update




Call me Mr. Obvious


Hello Mr obvious, I’m Charlie


We use to say Captain Obvious :slight_smile:


I don’t have any ships so I rather go with Mister


Contract ID: 2-34-5188659-56
Platform: PS4
Submitter name: ambusher55
Location: Ambrose Island
Contract Title: Hide the Eggs Challenge

Happy Easter!!
Your challenge is to hide the eggs so that nobody finds them. Kindly consider the target bodies as eggs. The weapons thrown at the target will constitute illegal action only if the bodies (eggs) are found by someone.
Good Luck!!

Brief Description:

  • 4 Targets
  • Any Thrown Weapons (Knives, Screwdriver, Seashell, Sword anything)
  • No bodies must be found (optional objective)
  • Be aware of moving targets finding the bodies
  • Be aware of sound made on Thrown Weapons - someone might come to look at it

Useful Notes:

  • Durian, Durian, Durian
  • Isolate the targets
  • You cannot poison the food on one of the targets
  • Dont eliminate a sick target, another sick target might come to that spot on being sick.

Image Suggestions:
Original Screenshot attached - please correct color and brightness and pick anyone.

One of egg is hidden and nobody is aware, 47 is taking a picture of the challenge after hiding.



That was a really fun contract, hope for you it gets featured


Contract ID: 1-24-4023189-67

Platform: PC (Epic)

Submitter name: Phylocode

Contract Title: Golden Bunny’s Boomstick

Briefing: Somewhere in Fairy Tale Land. “Every year it’s the same, the humans disrespect me and wrap chocolate idols of my likeliness in golden foil and hand them out to be consumed by children!” “Well, if they love gold so much, my avatar will give them their fill—literally!”

(Tip: To obtain the Golden Bartoli, take all gold bars from the vault while disguised as the Bank Robber)

Brief Description: Kill 4 targets with the golden shotgun while disguised only as the bank robber.

Location: New York

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