Potential New Game Mode & Year 5?

Looks like a new game mode might be in the works for WoA, as per the 2023/24 annual report for IO that was released two months ago. Relevant parts are snipped and highlighted below.

If I had to guess, the use of the phrase “potential opportunity” just means that they’re exploring something but haven’t yet fully committed to full production/definitely bringing it. Wonder what they’re cooking… :thinking:

Also sounds like they’re definitely planning for a Year 5 at the very least.


If indeed a new mode is in the works, that would be exciting.
If there really is a 5th year update,
Although some of them may be difficult to implement,
I personally would like to see this done,
・The addition cross-platform play functionality for contract mode.
・The addition special OPTIONS feature for use in escalation to contract mode.
・The addition of a Randomizer feature for contract terms similar to Roulette Rivals.
・The addition of a Randomizer function to randomize the items placed in the stage.
・The addition of a feature to allow offline playback of existing content.
・The addition of a permanent Elusive Target feature.
I would like to see the implementation of features such as.
I don’t mind if these are paid DLC updates.
If these are realized, I will be able to enjoy “HITMAN” for more than 5 years and longer.


If they do plan on doing another game mode then I hope its accompanied with a Freelancer update too!
Theres way more potential for that mode, so not fully fleshing it out before they start a new mode would be kinda sad.

But yeah, a year 5 looks promising! :pray:


please be new coop mode or ghost mode or freelancer coop mode


Or it could just be the improved VR mode coming to PS5 (and maybe also PC down the road)


How about a fully-featured Offline Mode, if they’re making new ones…?



I think firstly, the rumoured new game mode/project for WOA is possibly referring to the PSVR2 release or the VR Reloaded? Looking at the timescales of the report, the annual report was from the period of 01st April 2023 - 31st March 2024 and come September this year, IOI announced that Hitman WOA is launching for VR Reloaded and that we are also getting the PSVR2 release. Again, it could be nothing related, however, the two sort of go hand in hand, but we’ll see :slightly_smiling_face:

On your point about Freelancer, I totally agree. I absolutely love it and there is so much that could be done with it. Firstly, we are still waiting for some long overdue bug fixes. Hopefully, some of these will get addressed in the upcoming patch, but we’ll see. The Seasonal Safehouse decorations, something I’ve campaigned long and hard for (:joy:) still need to arrive for Freelancer. That’s just a couple of things, but I guess the fact we’re still getting content for the Safehouse as part of the monthly roadmaps is a cool thing.

Also, it certainly does look promising for Year 5!!! :fist:t2::raised_hands:t2:


Same thing as when I posted the report a few month ago (the report is from September):

As much as I can wish for more, I can’t help but see that the Financial report as before the announcement of the PSVR2.
And the PSVR2 is absent from the rest of the statements.

I could also be like a way to play the game on phones, or a third party app/game related to the WoA.

I doubt it’s going to be a “game mode” the same way Freelancer, the Arcade, or Sniper mode are “game modes”.
I think speculating, or even more hyping, from this is a mistake.


Yeah I was gonna say, it could be just in reference to the updated PSVR2 version coming out. Game Mode is in quotes, so I assume it’s more of a “this is new… kinda?”


Another bonus campaign with reworked maps and actual new items would be neat.


I’m suprised - I’ve kinda expected that Hitman’s team is now pretty much a skeleton crew, but clearly not since they’re (potentially) planning on new game mode.

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Great news :hugs:
Year 5 it is then :partying_face:

Looking forward to more targets (especially where there are none like Mumbai), more maps and more stuff to do in Freelancer :+1:

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It could very well be referring to the PSVR2 or VR mode? Like @LandirtHome pointed out above, I doubt it’s going to be a brand new game mode like Freelancer, Sniper Assassin etc, so I think in my opinion, it’s possibly referring to the PSVR2 or VR, but I could be wrong? :slightly_smiling_face: