Qol/Balance changes

Woa is a really great game, but I do think some changes need to be made before support for it eventually stops.

1 - We need a fully functioning offline mode. I know there is one, that has certain functions, but it needs to be fleshed out to match the online experience, as in reality this game doesn’t really have any online-only content.
2 - Prestige objectives should be made optional to choose in hardcore. I’m fine with them being required to complete a mission, if chosen. Always thinking of how to fit an objective while doing a mission stifles the freedom of choice, and makes hardcore much less fun to play for many.
3 - Add at least 1 safe spawn to every map in freelancer. I really think it’s a weird design choice to be able to get this objective without any remaining maps to complete it on. Simply add 1 safe spawn, so a player will always be able to do this objective.
4 - Allow us to customize our controls more freely. I want to put things like opening doors, dumping bodies and climbing pipes to E key. However, all these actions are on 3 separate keys, and game simply won’t allow you to change the keybinds. Simply remove keybind restrictions on interact/use item/agility actions and the problem is solved. I would really like not to be forced to use Autohotkey to fix this issue in the future.
5 - In Gameplay/General tab in the options, running and slow walking are presented together as options, forcing you to choose both as either hold/press/toggle. Separate them, so the player has more control of them, for instance, having run as hold and slow walk as toggle, which currently is not something you can do.

Edit: Edited the 7th change out, because after I wrote this post I saw that now Ambrose Island appears in the Campaigns tab as well, under Hitman 2, between Whittleton Creek and Isle of Sgail.

Edit: Edited the 6th change out, since the transition from walking to slow walking is no longer taking half a second, and is almost instantaneous now.


Thanks for starting this topic. My main suggestion is to add an additional icon to Silent Assassin HUD. Currently, if you are spotted by target, it turns red, despite the fact SA can still be obtained if you kill the target. My proposed change to is add yellow skull or target icon (similliar to yellow camera), that would turn back to green pistols, if you manage to kill target without alerting others.


That would be a great change. Definitely would make sense to make it a yellow skull so the player is aware they can still salvage their silent assassin ranking by killing the target before they alert someone.


In addition to the SA indicator turning yellow, ideally there would also be a snippet of text in place of the “erase camera footage” message which would read: “kill alerted target (to retain SA)”.

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