Hi, I got a question while playing user-made contracts these days.
I found this one “Update Targets” from a bit long ago, but i cannot find how to defeat it.
(This can be found in nearly first of trending contracts)
The targets are not from the very same maps, and when I get into the map, I cannot find any target painted in red.
Any idea on this contracts? I wonder is it just a bug or something
Sometimes there are conditions which should be met for targets to appear.
I suggest to report this kind of contracts as broken because sometimes fuck knows what to do
i have to say the fact this mysterious npc target has a picture stylized like the main target of the level is fascinating though. it makes me wonder if he was the original target model. there is no way that target picture aspect was accidental or a glitch.
The Character Model is taken from Hitman Absolution and doesn’t appear in any location in Hitman Woa. It’s assumed that he was used as a place holder.
I though cannot say why IO made a Target-like Picture for him. The Contract either uses glitches or is modded.
Bro what’s my man Daniel Vestergaard (who’s also the gun runner dude from Absolution) doing there?? 
that is actually fascinating ngl. that seems impossible even for game modding standards
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I doubt anything would come of reporting. They still haven’t taken down or fixed the early Mendoza contracts that boots anyone offline for trying to play them.
This is Daniel, a cut ET named The Tourist, (not sure about the name).
By the way, few days ago I stumbled on a targetless contact in Dartmoor where all or 3 out of 5 pictured targets were from Garden Show, but the mission itself was set up in regular Dartmoor.
After clearing the whole level I still haven’t killed a single target and obviously there was no way to exit a contract finishing it.
I reported it broken dosens of times since, but it still hasn’t been fixed or removed.
It was as it said in description, one of @Kevin_Rudd’s modded contract but released from or under a diffent name/person.
Using the opportunity, maybe @Kevin_Rudd could look into it and somehow fix it on your end?
Here’s the screenshot
That one was my fault. I found it in the fan made contracts thread and tried to republish it on Steam but it didn’t work. I’m sure there’s a couple more. I don’t think Kevin Rudd could do anything with that though, and reporting does nothing, they never remove any.
Apparently one needs to be careful with those modded contracts as they could be bugged and stay in history marked as uncompleted forever.
That’s a shame, also shame that those report buttons there for nothing
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